Formed a Joint Research Business

Kulon Progo Regency Government works with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI FMIPA) Jakarta in business development research. Cooperation with the marked Nota understanding (MoU) by the Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo FMIPA UI Dean and Dr Adi Basuki Riyadi MSc, Wednesday (3 / 6) in the building office complex Joglo Pemkab.

Present in the event that the Head of Center for Business Research Sinergi (PSRB) FMIPA UI Erlin Dr, Drs H Wabup Mulyono and head SKPD related. Cooperation is meant to enhance research activities in the framework of the development and identification of potential areas.

According to Toyo, at this time is very Kulon Progo partners need to accelerate regional development. Because Pemkab determined to not just follow the period, but will welcome period of not to fall behind other regions.

A determination that, said Toyo, requires intensive research activities in various fields, including business, technical staff who need a smart and experienced. "We see that the UI has many experts Until this field," Toyo demolished.

Meanwhile, Adi Basuki Riyadi hope that the cooperation-oriented research is not only for physical development. But more important is for the development of human resources. "If the only physical orientasinya not akan many benefits. Because the results will be static and does not impact on the development of the community Kulon Progo as a major regional development, "he said.


Beberapa Kota-kota Tertua di Dunia.

Jika anda ingin bertualang kenapa coba tidak mengunjungi kota-kota kuno di dunia. Apalagi jika anda tertarik mengenai budaya yang berbeda dari yang sering anda temui, tentunya tidak salah jika anda mulai mengunjungi dan mengalami hidup di kota paling tua di dunia dan merasakan tempat berkembangnya budaya di beberapa milenium lalu. Dibawah ini adalah 10 tempat yang berhasil dilacak dan dinyatakan sebagai kota tertua yang masih berdiri dan hidup dalam dunia modern. Tertarik? Kita baca sama-sama ya:

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PKK Becomes Important Element Development

Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) become one of the key elements in the effort to achieve regional development. Because the PKK have a vital role in educating the next generation, especially in the scope of the family. The next generation is the future that determines the progress and setbacks of the development of the nation. So that the PKK is expected to be the element that is able to function properly. To reach and realize the development as planned through the policies that exist.

Said Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo Saturday (16 / 5), at the inauguration ceremony of PKK Kabupaten Kulon Progo period 2008-2013 in Gedung Kaca komplek pemkab. The event was attended by Chairman of the TP-PKK Provinsi DIY Ny. Tri Harjun Ismaji, Chairman of the TP-PKK Kulon Progo Ny. Wiwik Ernawati, Head of Village Community Empowerment, Women and KB Drs. Krissutanto, the superintendent and SKPD PKK Kabupaten and Kecamatan level. As one of the key elements, the PKK to be heavy and full of challenges. To perform these functions, required the cooperation and coordination is good. Namely, cooperation and coordination between the management, coordination with the government and coordinate with the community. "With mutual cooperation and coordination will be a job more easily and will get the output of good also," he said.

The workers PKK period 2008-2013 which constituted, in a sequence is the Vice Chairman of the I, II and III, Ny. Tutik Ristina Mulyono, Ny. Suciati Kasdiyono and Ny. Sri Sapta Rudatin Soim, Secretary, Deputy Secretary I and II, Dra. Retno Hestriyani, Suparyanto, SKM, Siti Rohdiyati Agus Subagyo, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer, Ny. Budi Rahayu and Ny. Bachelor win. Board comes with 4 working groups (Pokja) supervise the areas that was also in opportunity. While for the Chairman, has been appointed some time ago by the Chairman of PKK Province of DIY.

Next, assume responsibility for the PKK to be a daring than the required cooperation and coordination. Because the stock courage Management will be able to make efforts and create breakthrough-a breakthrough in the role and function of the PKK. Most of the management of the PKK dominated the women, still less in running the tasks and responsibilities assigned, he added.

On the other hand, the Regent say goodbye to the caretaker who has been appointed. With the new Management, PKK is expected to get a new spirit of work. The spirit that can be a reason to establish the role and function of PKK in realizing development in Kulon Progo Regency.

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23 People are in the Kulon Progo Diseases AIDS

Since found in 2002, the number of people with the disease AIDS in the Kulon Progo reached 23 people. Amount occurred in the year 2008, ie as many as 8 people. Are in the year 2009 until April 5 of a person.

Said Head of Department of Health Lestaryono MKes time become the source of information in the Screening and Early Tatalaksana Handling HIV and AIDS in Kulon Progo, Thursday (14 / 5) on the floor I Binangun II building office complex governments. Socializing that was opened by Drs H Wabup Mulyono was attended by officials from health and community leaders. Lestaryono In addition, another source of information is from Yunri Wijayanti Subronto SpPD a PhD from the Faculty of Science In Medical Diseases UGM Yogyakarta.

According Lestaryono amount far less than the predicted AIDS Commission Naional (PKAN) that reached 326 people per year. This is happening because of the handling of a fairly intensive and the emergence of public awareness to prevent the occurrence of the disease is death.
Approximately 67 percent of it because people do have sex with commercial sex higgler (PSK). "From the review we do, a small number of people who are Kulon Progo customers PSK. However, the number is very small, "he said.

According Yunri, spread AIDS, most of the disease occurred in poor areas. As happened in Nepal and Thailand, the number of AIDS patients found in a large area of the village poor.
"This is the case, among others, because the level of public education so that the relatively low awareness of this disease is to anticipate also low. They are less concerned with the risk if exposed to AIDS by, "he said.

Mulyono expect that while HIV and AIDS implemented in a comprehensive and sustainable from the central to local level. Implementation not only shaped the program, but also the knowledge and skills of medical staff.

Capability that is required, Mulyono said, is the identification of early symptoms of disease caused by HIV vrus so can be quickly and precisely. "Capabilities such as it must be truly mastered by medical officers so that people with AIDS can be treated quickly and effectively," Wabup supplement.

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Gaziantep, Turki (3650 SM ?)

Kota yang dulunya dikenal dengan nama Antep yang sekarang menjadi ibukota provisi yang
sama dengan namanya, Giazantep ini adalah kota tertua yang masih tegak berdiri. Kota ini memiliki sejarah sejauh zaman orang Het (Hittite). Kota ini terus menerus di tinggali semenjak zaman Paleolithic, dan tumbuh besar bersama dengan kekaisaran Ottoman. Hari ini, Giazantep adalah kota yang ramah, dan seru dengan berbagai masjid, madrasah, penginapan bahkan pemandian yang berasal dari beberapa abad lalu. Rumah rumah tua dari batu selalu memiliki taman dan pohon anggur yang menghiasi, sehingga setiap anda menoleh, anda akan mendapat pemandangan terindah di dunia.

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Yerusalem, Israel (3000 SM ?)

Kota suci bagi tiga agama terbesar dunia, Islam, Nasrani, dan Yahudi, kota ini adalah
tempat dimana nilai kuno digabungkan dengan berbagai budaya baru yang membawa suasanya metropolis baru. Kota ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian: Yerusalem Barat, bagian yang paling cepat berkembang dan menjadi pusat perdagangan. Yerusalem Timur, yang menjadi tempat permukiman populasi Arab, dan Kota Tua, dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa indah.

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Kirkuk, Irak (3000 SM ?)

Dengan berbagai bekas arkeologi yang berusia lebih dari 50 abad, Kirkuk adalah kota
paling penting bagi orang Kurdi. Kota ini sekaligus menjadi pusat industri minyak Irak. Mungkin memang bukan tujuan yang paling banyak mendapat perhatian turis, tapi Kirkuk berdiri di bekas pusat kebudayaan kuno Asiria. Kota ini pernah menjadi tempat pertempuran tiga Kekaisaran besar: Asiria, Babilonia dan Media, yang saling bergantian mengambil alih kuasa atas kota ini. Di kota ini terdapat makam Nabi Daniel (Kristen) dan Pasar Al Qaysareyah. Qal’at Jarmo dan Yorgan Tepe yang berada di pinggiran kota ini akan memberikan anda pengalaman hidup di masa lalu.

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