Physical Development Tirtorahayu


Prapta Legawa Wednesday (18 / 2) constituted a Kades Tirtorahayu Galur District. Of the plenary meeting held in the Special Village Board discussion with the main event The oath and appointment made by Kades elected Regent of Kulon Progo. H. Toyo Santoso Dipo in Pendopo the local Village Hall.

Present in the inauguration, Assistant Government and People's Welfare Drs.Sutedjo, Head of Government of the Village Women and Family Planning Drs.Krisustanto, Kabag Law Setda A. Bambang Sulistyo, SH, Kabag for People's Welfare Setda Arief Sudarmanto, SH, Camat Galur Jumanto, with SH Muspika, Kades se-Galur District, the Chairman and members of Drs.H.Suradi BPD BPD, the village and community leaders.

Prapta Legawa constituted Kades be based on the Decree No Regent. 27 year 2009 about The Prapta Legawa as the Village Head Tirtorahayu the 2009-2015 term of office. Prapto Legawa superior in some time ago Pilkades replace the former Kades Sudarmanto dismissed with respect not because of criminal cases.

Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo reminded in his speech, the leader of the now and to the future are required to hear more of the talking. As a Head of the Village is expected to hear the aspirations of the community, whether oral or written. In addition must be able to see the visible and hidden form of both the potential and development problems.

"The village, which was very Tirtorahayu forward in building this now, it is behind the development of physical appeal in other villages, for it to Kades the new attention to the community increased, Kades not need to be reluctant to ask for help in building the village Pemkab Tirtorahayu to become more advanced and prosperous, "said Toyo.

Attention to the tutor Pemkab village has shown improvement, through the tutor TPAPD earnings in Kulonprogo third largest in Indonesia. However, given the increased revenue should be offset with the way work is better, old habits of "pungli" should be removed. Tunjangan pamong desa melalui TPAPD meningkat diterima sehingga sekarang banyak yang daftar jadi pamong desa, sebenarnya maksudnya agar di desa-desa tidak ada pungli lagi, dulu yardik-yardik (bayar disik) nek ora yo ragelem teken harus dihilangkan,”he said.

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Research and Development in Kulon Progo

District of Kulonprogo Jati plant will develop a pattern for the Superior Results. One of the steps that have to do is in cooperation with Business Unit Results for Cooperative Housing Wanabhakti Nusantara (UBH-KPWN). Nota MoU signing or understanding between the Government of Kulon Progo district with UBH-KPWN conducted Saturday (14 / 2) in II Floor Binangun government district. From the government district Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo while UBH-by KPWN Director Ir.Hariyono Soeroso MS.

In opportunity at the same time the Government made cooperation with the districts that do APIKRI pandan cultivation in the coastal south of materials to help braid agel. The event was witnessed Assistant Economic Development and Natural Resources Setda Ir.Agus Anggono, Kadinas Agriculture and Forestry Ir.Agus Langgeng Basuki Head Office and the Environment Ir.Djunianto Marsudi Utomo.

According Hariyono Soeroso, with this MoU has benn approve then in 2009 and beyond, planned Kabupaten Kulon Progo developed farming Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) with the pattern of results as much as 100,000 trees, or area of 100 ha each year, which are spread in many villages, with perdesa number of 25,000 trees in 5 years. In five years, will be planted some 500,000 trees with an area 500 ha of land, which are spread in 20 villages.

"If every village to plant a minimum of 5000 trees per year for 5 years, the year I start harvesting until V, Kas Desa each village will get the harvest of 250 million. Farmer processing and owners of land in the village concerned will get the results harvest 875 million per year, "said Hariyono.

In addition, the village is still an additional form of security of wage costs 2500 per tree per five years, and also to reward farmers processing 14,000 per tree per five years is paid gradually in accordance with the progress of work. Therefore, the pattern of farming JUN Sharing will encourage rural economic growth and improve the quality of the environment.

While nationally the number of JUN with the pattern for the early start of 2007 until December 2008 as many as 438,270 trees involving 1676 families of farmers in East Java district includes Magetan 195,805 trees, 8,070 trees Madiun, Ponorogo 39,359 trees, 40,755 trees and Ngawi, in West Java Bogor 48,129 trees, tree Tanggerang 2302, Purwakarta and 100,000 trees in the DIY Kulonprogo 3850 a number of trees. The number of investors reached 443 people with the amount of investment for the 232,487 trees worth Rp.13.949.220.000, -.

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Level Productivity Rice GOGO

Level Productivity Rice GOGO in Kokap 5.9Ton Perhektar

Level of productivity of rice cultivation in the gogo member farmers' groups (Klomtan) 'Rejeki Court' in Pedukuhan Klepu, Hargowilis Village, District Kokap reach 5.9 tons Gabah Kering Harvest (GKP) perhektar. Results can be different owing to the use of superior seeds and balanced fertilization with organic fertilizers.

According to the Chairman of Klomtan 'Court Rejeki' Suraji (68), group members to plant rice gogo in land the forest people of the area around Gunung Agung 10 ha since 2007 season ago. In the first planting, a new level of productivity reached 3.6 tons. "This year can be higher because Unsoed get guidance from the Department of Agriculture and Purwokerto Kulon Progo," he said.

It is said, in the first planting farmers use only 1 type of seed. Then, by researchers from Purwokerto Unsoed given some kind of excellence that is suitable for the type of gogo. Gogo aromatic types including the results better than the other types, explained.

On Thursday (12 / 2) on the land to harvest feast is done by Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo. Present in the event that the Head of Bappeda SH Budi Wibowo MM, Head of Agriculture and Kegutanan Langgeng Ir Agus Basuki, Head Office Food and Agriculture Fisheries Forestry instructor (KP3K) Ir Bambang Tri Budi Harsono, Camat Kokap Santoso SIP, Researchers from Unsoed Purwokerto Dr Totok Agung and Klomtan members 'Agung Rejeki'.

Totok Court explained, at this time Unsoed middle of doing technology development gogo rice cultivation in some areas, including Kulon Progo. Previously, he said, by the people of rice gogo complained often less good quality. Among others, rice, less tasty, and if not pera cold crust.

"We then add to the fragrant aroma menthik so aromanya can rasanga more savory and delicious. There are several types of seeds that we develop and the average production is better. Hopefully this can be developed in Kulon Progo, "hopes

Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo optimistic when gogo rice production in the Kulon Progo can be improved continuously. Because most of the rice farmers is a gogo area of mountain that is usually more ndregil in the use of new technology. The key to increased rice production, he said, is the use of technology with the most appropriate condition of plants and soil.

Toyo rate, farmers at this time Indonesia still far behind from other countries. Including China which is able to produce 14 tons of rice perhektar. Meanwhile, in Indonesia only about 6.5 tons.

"The technology is in use. Chinese farmers have been using the hormonal and enzyme technology, while we are still a noise about the use of fertilizers. And the problem is a chemical and fertilizer nonkimia. In fact all the fertilizer is a chemical compound, "said Toyo.

Meanwhile, Bambang Tri Harsono said, rice gogo area in the Kulon Progo in 2008 reached 134 ha, mostly located in the hilly region Menoreh. Level of production an average of 3.12 tons perha. "What is achieved by Klomtan 'Agung Rejeki' far higher than the average district," he said.

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Tile Kulon Progo

80% Supply Tile Kulon Progo from Outer Regional

To meet the needs of building materials such as tile in Kulon Progo, almost 80 percent came from outside the region. In fact, many of the tile industry Kulon Progo, and have a quality that is not quite good with the tile that come from outside the region. So the existence of this industry, must continue and be encouraged. So that the tile of Kulon Progo be increasingly recognized and used by the public and Kulon Progo from outside the region.

Said by Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo Thursday (5 / 2), while providing tools to help Group Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the pages of Industry, Wates. In the present opportunity, Head of Industry Drs. Darto, Head BAPPEDA Budi Wibowo, SH, Sosnakertrans Drs.Musodo Head of Department, Head of Agriculture and Forestry Ir. Agus Basuki Langgeng actors and SME beneficiaries.

This is related to the development of housing and real estate in the Kulon Progo is developing very rapidly in every year. However, most tile still needs supplied from outside the region. "Because most of us are reluctant to use a tile of Kulon Progo and even bring in from outside the region such as, Kebumen, Jatiwangi (Cirebon), Klaten and Gedean," said Regent.

Therefore, developing and maintaining the tile industry that we have actually very good. So in the Kulon Progo can optimize the potential and resources owned. For the tile industry, this can spur the production of tile, and they can be in every day. Not only based on if there are people who book a course, he added.

On the other hand, small industries should also be clever to see the fissure and the development of the market. Because if left too will reduce the peminat and buyers will use the results of handicrafts. As for example, the model for handicrafts, food industry for packing small and the quality of the production. "I never buy a bag of resletingnya up to the house but directly damaged. Although the price is cheap but I as a consumer to be cured, "Toyo row.

In this opportunity, submit a Major of assistance to SMEs working equipment such as, coconut fiber machine breaker, Giling coffee machine, machine ekstruder (fine ground), tile press, grated coconut machine, drill, saw, grinder and more. With a nominal amount of Rp 128 million. Given to industries such as coconut fiber industry craft, shell craft, industry and crafts tile coffee. Meanwhile, according to one of the craftsman tile beneficiaries Parijan, said that the good of this assistance. Because this group is given a name in Tlogolelo Tlogo Makmur, Hargomulyo, Kokap, it still requires a great machine and press pelumat land tile.

It is expected that with the provision of assistance will spur the production of the tile for the group. So that to the fore, the production of tile Tlogo Group Makmur can and can better maintain the quality. "For the good quality of tile industry that we have just kept growing and by the people," he said.

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As the effort of unemployment and a reduction in the number of workers as the impact of global economic crisis that occurred recently, the government through the UPTD Blk (Regional Unit of Technical Training Center) Social Department of Manpower and Transmigration Kulon Progo Regency will provide the opportunity for the community especially those interested in creating new employment opportunities with the first stock have various skills. To help people gain skills in UPTD Blk Kulon Progo a Skills Training Program in 2009 is free of charge free of cost.

Head UPTD BLK Kulon Progo Sri Sulanjari, SIP, Thursday (5 / 2) describe the skills training that is conducted by BLK Kulon Progo held in Cuma Cuma alias-free, because all costs are fully borne by the government. So that the community is expected to take advantage of this opportunity, to open the stock will become a new business, especially the threat of the impact of global economic crisis with the number of Termination of Employment Relations (PHK) by several companies.

Added, with a range of training skills to the vocational field of time during each 240 hours or 6 for sunday include expertise in the field of Electrical Repair Tools, Engineering, refrigerator, Electronics, HP Technician, Computer Operator, Las Electricity, Machine Tools, sewing, bike mechanic Motor Basic, Advanced repair Motorcycles, Cars and Gasoline Boga.

"For people who are interested are to contact immediately and enroll in work hours, applicants are not limited, registration can be served in the Office BLK UPTD Kulonprogo Jl. Raya-Wates Purworejo km.2, Telephone (0274) 773306 and Department Sosnakertrans Jl. Sugiman No.3 Watulunyu Wates, Telephone (0274) 774639 "he explained.



Budi Hartono most successful in achieving sound democratic party Elections Village Head (Pilkades) village Pengasih District Pengasih held Sunday (1 / 2). From 12 poll (TPS) is the skipper Las ordinal number three of the four candidates to reach this total vote in 2190, Budi successful in winning 11 TPS, the TPS is only one sound that is muddy in TPS 6 Pedukuhan Tunjungan.Di this TPS Tujo Biyantoro candidate who is also from the local people most successful meraup with 368 votes, while Budi only reach 35 votes.

Results by the end of the second selection committee be Djoko Purwanto vote in 1092, 1068 and Tujo Biyantoro candidate Kades Indarto get 684 votes. With most sound acquisition, Budi Hartono Kades defined as a candidate elected. Previous Kades Pengasih was empty for several months because officials long Suyoto PA puppetry artists who also died because of illness.
The number of voters remain villagers Pengasih of 6523 voters. At the time of the election, people who use rights of 5,150 voters. Ballot is declared valid as the 5034 vote and the ballot is not as much as 116 valid votes.

The process of calculating the total number of votes from some of TPS in the village office smooth and orderly progress. Some of the supporters and team success of each candidate meets the Village Office page, the same thing also happened in the house for each candidate Kades. Meanwhile, officials from the kabupaten governments Kulon Progo present witnessing the end of the vote results in the village office, Head of Village Community Empowerment Government Women and KB Drs. Krisutanto, and Camat Dra.Sri Pengasih Harmintarti.Kasubid Institution, and The Village Government Administration Board of Community Government and the Village Women Sugimo KB SIP is also present from the 88 villages are still a village, which is not the Pilkades ie Garongan because village officials previously dismissed , tripped due to a case. Implementation Pilkades in the village Garongan will molor for several months so it was not possible before the legislative elections because of the schedule execution time is not possible.

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