Formed a Joint Research Business

Kulon Progo Regency Government works with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI FMIPA) Jakarta in business development research. Cooperation with the marked Nota understanding (MoU) by the Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo FMIPA UI Dean and Dr Adi Basuki Riyadi MSc, Wednesday (3 / 6) in the building office complex Joglo Pemkab.

Present in the event that the Head of Center for Business Research Sinergi (PSRB) FMIPA UI Erlin Dr, Drs H Wabup Mulyono and head SKPD related. Cooperation is meant to enhance research activities in the framework of the development and identification of potential areas.

According to Toyo, at this time is very Kulon Progo partners need to accelerate regional development. Because Pemkab determined to not just follow the period, but will welcome period of not to fall behind other regions.

A determination that, said Toyo, requires intensive research activities in various fields, including business, technical staff who need a smart and experienced. "We see that the UI has many experts Until this field," Toyo demolished.

Meanwhile, Adi Basuki Riyadi hope that the cooperation-oriented research is not only for physical development. But more important is for the development of human resources. "If the only physical orientasinya not akan many benefits. Because the results will be static and does not impact on the development of the community Kulon Progo as a major regional development, "he said.

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