Formed a Joint Research Business

Kulon Progo Regency Government works with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI FMIPA) Jakarta in business development research. Cooperation with the marked Nota understanding (MoU) by the Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo FMIPA UI Dean and Dr Adi Basuki Riyadi MSc, Wednesday (3 / 6) in the building office complex Joglo Pemkab.

Present in the event that the Head of Center for Business Research Sinergi (PSRB) FMIPA UI Erlin Dr, Drs H Wabup Mulyono and head SKPD related. Cooperation is meant to enhance research activities in the framework of the development and identification of potential areas.

According to Toyo, at this time is very Kulon Progo partners need to accelerate regional development. Because Pemkab determined to not just follow the period, but will welcome period of not to fall behind other regions.

A determination that, said Toyo, requires intensive research activities in various fields, including business, technical staff who need a smart and experienced. "We see that the UI has many experts Until this field," Toyo demolished.

Meanwhile, Adi Basuki Riyadi hope that the cooperation-oriented research is not only for physical development. But more important is for the development of human resources. "If the only physical orientasinya not akan many benefits. Because the results will be static and does not impact on the development of the community Kulon Progo as a major regional development, "he said.


Beberapa Kota-kota Tertua di Dunia.

Jika anda ingin bertualang kenapa coba tidak mengunjungi kota-kota kuno di dunia. Apalagi jika anda tertarik mengenai budaya yang berbeda dari yang sering anda temui, tentunya tidak salah jika anda mulai mengunjungi dan mengalami hidup di kota paling tua di dunia dan merasakan tempat berkembangnya budaya di beberapa milenium lalu. Dibawah ini adalah 10 tempat yang berhasil dilacak dan dinyatakan sebagai kota tertua yang masih berdiri dan hidup dalam dunia modern. Tertarik? Kita baca sama-sama ya:

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PKK Becomes Important Element Development

Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) become one of the key elements in the effort to achieve regional development. Because the PKK have a vital role in educating the next generation, especially in the scope of the family. The next generation is the future that determines the progress and setbacks of the development of the nation. So that the PKK is expected to be the element that is able to function properly. To reach and realize the development as planned through the policies that exist.

Said Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo Saturday (16 / 5), at the inauguration ceremony of PKK Kabupaten Kulon Progo period 2008-2013 in Gedung Kaca komplek pemkab. The event was attended by Chairman of the TP-PKK Provinsi DIY Ny. Tri Harjun Ismaji, Chairman of the TP-PKK Kulon Progo Ny. Wiwik Ernawati, Head of Village Community Empowerment, Women and KB Drs. Krissutanto, the superintendent and SKPD PKK Kabupaten and Kecamatan level. As one of the key elements, the PKK to be heavy and full of challenges. To perform these functions, required the cooperation and coordination is good. Namely, cooperation and coordination between the management, coordination with the government and coordinate with the community. "With mutual cooperation and coordination will be a job more easily and will get the output of good also," he said.

The workers PKK period 2008-2013 which constituted, in a sequence is the Vice Chairman of the I, II and III, Ny. Tutik Ristina Mulyono, Ny. Suciati Kasdiyono and Ny. Sri Sapta Rudatin Soim, Secretary, Deputy Secretary I and II, Dra. Retno Hestriyani, Suparyanto, SKM, Siti Rohdiyati Agus Subagyo, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer, Ny. Budi Rahayu and Ny. Bachelor win. Board comes with 4 working groups (Pokja) supervise the areas that was also in opportunity. While for the Chairman, has been appointed some time ago by the Chairman of PKK Province of DIY.

Next, assume responsibility for the PKK to be a daring than the required cooperation and coordination. Because the stock courage Management will be able to make efforts and create breakthrough-a breakthrough in the role and function of the PKK. Most of the management of the PKK dominated the women, still less in running the tasks and responsibilities assigned, he added.

On the other hand, the Regent say goodbye to the caretaker who has been appointed. With the new Management, PKK is expected to get a new spirit of work. The spirit that can be a reason to establish the role and function of PKK in realizing development in Kulon Progo Regency.

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23 People are in the Kulon Progo Diseases AIDS

Since found in 2002, the number of people with the disease AIDS in the Kulon Progo reached 23 people. Amount occurred in the year 2008, ie as many as 8 people. Are in the year 2009 until April 5 of a person.

Said Head of Department of Health Lestaryono MKes time become the source of information in the Screening and Early Tatalaksana Handling HIV and AIDS in Kulon Progo, Thursday (14 / 5) on the floor I Binangun II building office complex governments. Socializing that was opened by Drs H Wabup Mulyono was attended by officials from health and community leaders. Lestaryono In addition, another source of information is from Yunri Wijayanti Subronto SpPD a PhD from the Faculty of Science In Medical Diseases UGM Yogyakarta.

According Lestaryono amount far less than the predicted AIDS Commission Naional (PKAN) that reached 326 people per year. This is happening because of the handling of a fairly intensive and the emergence of public awareness to prevent the occurrence of the disease is death.
Approximately 67 percent of it because people do have sex with commercial sex higgler (PSK). "From the review we do, a small number of people who are Kulon Progo customers PSK. However, the number is very small, "he said.

According Yunri, spread AIDS, most of the disease occurred in poor areas. As happened in Nepal and Thailand, the number of AIDS patients found in a large area of the village poor.
"This is the case, among others, because the level of public education so that the relatively low awareness of this disease is to anticipate also low. They are less concerned with the risk if exposed to AIDS by, "he said.

Mulyono expect that while HIV and AIDS implemented in a comprehensive and sustainable from the central to local level. Implementation not only shaped the program, but also the knowledge and skills of medical staff.

Capability that is required, Mulyono said, is the identification of early symptoms of disease caused by HIV vrus so can be quickly and precisely. "Capabilities such as it must be truly mastered by medical officers so that people with AIDS can be treated quickly and effectively," Wabup supplement.

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Gaziantep, Turki (3650 SM ?)

Kota yang dulunya dikenal dengan nama Antep yang sekarang menjadi ibukota provisi yang
sama dengan namanya, Giazantep ini adalah kota tertua yang masih tegak berdiri. Kota ini memiliki sejarah sejauh zaman orang Het (Hittite). Kota ini terus menerus di tinggali semenjak zaman Paleolithic, dan tumbuh besar bersama dengan kekaisaran Ottoman. Hari ini, Giazantep adalah kota yang ramah, dan seru dengan berbagai masjid, madrasah, penginapan bahkan pemandian yang berasal dari beberapa abad lalu. Rumah rumah tua dari batu selalu memiliki taman dan pohon anggur yang menghiasi, sehingga setiap anda menoleh, anda akan mendapat pemandangan terindah di dunia.

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Yerusalem, Israel (3000 SM ?)

Kota suci bagi tiga agama terbesar dunia, Islam, Nasrani, dan Yahudi, kota ini adalah
tempat dimana nilai kuno digabungkan dengan berbagai budaya baru yang membawa suasanya metropolis baru. Kota ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian: Yerusalem Barat, bagian yang paling cepat berkembang dan menjadi pusat perdagangan. Yerusalem Timur, yang menjadi tempat permukiman populasi Arab, dan Kota Tua, dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa indah.

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Kirkuk, Irak (3000 SM ?)

Dengan berbagai bekas arkeologi yang berusia lebih dari 50 abad, Kirkuk adalah kota
paling penting bagi orang Kurdi. Kota ini sekaligus menjadi pusat industri minyak Irak. Mungkin memang bukan tujuan yang paling banyak mendapat perhatian turis, tapi Kirkuk berdiri di bekas pusat kebudayaan kuno Asiria. Kota ini pernah menjadi tempat pertempuran tiga Kekaisaran besar: Asiria, Babilonia dan Media, yang saling bergantian mengambil alih kuasa atas kota ini. Di kota ini terdapat makam Nabi Daniel (Kristen) dan Pasar Al Qaysareyah. Qal’at Jarmo dan Yorgan Tepe yang berada di pinggiran kota ini akan memberikan anda pengalaman hidup di masa lalu.

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Zurich, Switzerland (3000 SM ?)

Sebagai kota terbesar di Swiss dan sekaligus kita tertua di Eropa, Zurich pertama kali
didirikan di zaman Romawi dengan nama Turicum. Jejak masa lalu ini dapat ditemukan di berbagai tempat di Kota Tua Zurich. Jalanan sempit yang dipenuhi dengan kafe, toko barang antik dan butik. Bahnhofstrasse, adalah salah satu jalanan yang dipenuhi toko-toko paling indah di Eropa. Grossmünster dan Fraumünster adalah dua gereja tua yang penuh dengan interior indah. Swiss National Museum atau Kunsthaus, juga adalah salah satu musium paling terkenal di dunia. Anda pasti akan tahu betapa kota ini menawarkan semua hal terbaik dalam kehidupan anda di dunia.

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Konya, Turki (2600 SM ?)

Kota ini diapit oleh dua laut, Laut Tengah dan Laut Hitam,
dengan ketinggian 1000 meter di atas permukaan laut. Kota yang di dirikan diatas stepa Anatolia ini adalah salah satu kota yang paling menarik di Turki. Salah satu museum paling populer di kota ini adalah Green Mausoleum of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, makam penyair Turki terkemuka. Berbagai musium indah menanti kunjungan anda di kota ini, antara lain adalah chaeological Museum, Koyunoglu Museum dan Ethnographical Museum.

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Giza, Mesir (sebelum 2568 B.C.)

Napoleon Bonaparte memberikan pidatonya kepada para prajuritnya sebelum pertempuran Giza pada 1798, katanya “Diatas piramid-piramid itu,
empat abad lamanya sejarah tidak bergeser.” Orang mungkin tidak percaya bahwa Giza sebenarnya adalah kota mandiri yang terpisah dengan Kairo, tapi karena perkembangan Kairo yang cepat, Giza seakan ditelan oleh Kairo. Di kota ini, Anda akan menemukan Piramid-piramid Giza, dengan Sphinx yang setia menjaga. Dataran Giza akan diubah menjadi Grand Museum of Egypt, yang akan diselesaikan pada 2012.

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Xi’an, China, (2205 SM ?)

Dengan sejarah panjang yang terbentang sampai 30 abad lamanya,
kota ini adalah salah satu kota paling penting dalam sejarah China. Kota ini adalah salah satu dari Empat Ibukota Kuno Teragung di Cina. Kota ini banyak sekali dinikmati dan memiliki tempat yang sama dalam sejarah dengan kota-kota Athena, Kairo dan Roma. Berbagai relik kuno dan berbagai situs budaya penting menempatkan kota ini sebagai Museum Sejarah Alami. Museum Teracota yang berada di kota ini juga dianggap sebagai “Keajaiban Dunia ke Delapan”. Jika anda ingin mengalami China, kota ini adalah salah satu kota yang harus dituju.

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Asyut, Mesir (sebelum 2160 SM)

Kota ini terletak 375 km di selatan Kairo. Kota ini adalah kota terbesar di Mesir Atas dan adalah kota pertama yang didirikan di jaman Firaun. Sekarang kota ini adalah kota paling penting sebagai pusat pertanian dan juga kota tempat universitas terbesar ketiga di Mesir.

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Luxor, Mesir (Sebelum 2160 SM)

Luxor, yang dulu dikenal sebagai kota Thebe, adalah kota indah yang dipersembahkan bagi Dewa Amon Ra,
dan semenjak turisme dikenal di dunia, kota ini sudah ramai dikunjungi turis, banyak turis di jaman Romawi dan Yunani mengunjungi kota ini. Luxor adalah kota paling populer di Mesir. Kota ini berawal dari monumen-monumen Luxor, Karnak, Hatshepsut dan Ramses III. Tidak aneh jika kota ini sering disebut sebagai musium udara terbuka terbesar di dunia. Kota ini sebenarnya terbagi tiga bagian, Luxor yang berada di sisi timur Sungai Nil, kota Karnak dan Thebe yang berada di sisi barat sungai Nil, berseberangan dengan Luxor, dan sekarang tergabung menjadi satu.

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Lisbon, Portugal (2000 SM ?)

Kota yang didirikan di perbukitan rendah di sebelah utara Sungai Tagus, pesona Lisbon ini berkaitan erat dengan masa lalu.
Lisbon pertama kali didirikan oleh bangsa Iberia. Setelah berdiri ber abad-abad lamanya, Lisbon sekarang adalah kota paling hidup di Eropa. Istana-istana kuno yang di restorasi, gereja-gereja tua nan indah dan berbagai bangunan Art Nouveau adalah bagian paling indah yang membentuk wajah budaya kota ini. Museum seperti Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, National Coach Museum, dan Carmo Archaeological Museum menyimpan berbagai barang kenangan indah tentang kehidupan masa lalu kota ini. Bairro Alto, pusat kehidupan malam kota ini juga penuh dengan berbagai restorat, bar dan club seru bagi anda. Campo de Santa Clara juga membuka berbagai kesempatan bagi anda untuk membeli berbagai kenangan indah pengingat perjalanan Anda.

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As a regional language General Introduction

The use of local languages as the language on the basis of education is required. Because the local language as the language daily will be readily accepted for children. The importance of local languages as the introduction to the world of education became one of the themes Education Day commemoration this year. Besides the local language which is one of the elements of art and culture, the mastery of science and technology also becomes an important component to improve the quality of education.

It is said the Vice Regent of Kulon Progo Drs. H. Mulyono who became superintendent Day ceremony at the Education in Kulon Progo Saturday (2 / 5), in Alun-alun Wates. The ceremony was followed by Chairman of the Legislative Kulon Progo Drs. Kasdiyono, Muspida, Kulon Progo Sekda Drs. So'im, the head SKPD students and schools. Improve the quality of education into something that is very important to be realized given the current nation-based competition to the use of modern technology are shown.

To improve the quality of education has also been taking the government's policies. Such as, the budget allocation of 20 percent for education and free primary-school students from the school through fund levies BOS (Biaya Operasi Sekolah). "Exemption elementary-school students from the school levies, except for stub Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (SBN) and the Sekolah Berstandar International (SBI) is a form of government attention to improve the quality of our education," said Wabup.

Next, to create a quality education there are three main pillars that need to be implemented. There are, equity in education, improve education quality and increased governance and strengthening public image. These three pillars have become important components in order to create the education of the Republic of Indonesia, to create a quality education, he added.

In that occasion, Vice-regent also submit a scholarship from the Education Office of Women's Dharma and prizes for various competitions held in the framework of the Day Education in Kulon Progo. Many of the race is script writing competition reading low SD class, race and race up a painting.

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Pohon Apel

Sebuah wacana yang mungkin dapat kita ambil hikmahnya. Dari sebuah cerita tentang sebuah pohon apel dan seorang anak laki-laki. Suatu ketika, hiduplah sebatang pohon apel besar dan anak lelaki yang senang bermain-main di bawah pohon apel itu setiap hari .

Ia senang memanjatnya hingga ke pucuk pohon, memakan buahnya, tidur-tiduran di keteduhan rindang daun-daunnya. Anak lelaki itu sangat mencintai pohon apel itu. Demikian pula pohon apel sangat mencintai anak kecil itu . Waktu terus berlalu. Anak lelaki itu kini telah tumbuh
besar dan tidak lagi bermain-main dengan pohon apel itu setiap hari nya. Suatu hari ia mendatangi pohon apel.Wajahnya tampak sedih . "Ayo ke sini bermain-main lagi denganku," pinta pohon apel itu. "Aku bukan anak kecil yang bermain-main dengan pohon lagi," jawab anak lelaki itu."Akuingin sekali memiliki mainan, tapi aku tak punya uang untuk membelinya." Pohon
apel itu menyahut, "Duh, maaf aku pun tak punya uang.... tetapi kau boleh mengambil semua buah apelku dan menjualnya. Kau bisa mendapatkan uang untuk membeli mainan kegemaranmu. " Anak lelaki itu sangat senang. Ia lalu memetik semua buah apel yang ada di pohon dan pergi dengan penuh suka cita. Namun, setelah itu anak lelaki tak pernah datang lagi.
Pohon apel itu kembali sedih.

Suatu hari anak lelaki itu datang lagi. Pohon apel sangat senang melihatnya datang . "Ayo bermain-main denganku lagi," kata pohon apel. "Aku tak punya waktu," jawab anak lelaki itu. "Aku harus bekerja untuk keluargaku. Kami membutuhkan rumah untuk tempat tinggal . Maukah kau menolongku?" Duh, maaf aku pun tak memiliki rumah. Tapi kau boleh menebang semua dahan rantingku untuk membangun rumahmu," kata pohon apel. Kemudian anak lelaki itu menebang semua dahan dan ranting pohon apel itu dan pergi dengan gembira.Pohon apel itu juga merasa bahagia melihat anak lelaki itu senang, tapi anak lelaki itu tak pernah kembali lagi. Pohon apel itu merasa kesepian dan sedih.

Pada suatu musim panas, anak lelaki itu datang lagi. Pohon apel merasa sangat bersuka cita menyambutnya. "Ayo bermain-main lagi denganku," kata pohon apel.. "Aku sedih ," kata anak lelaki itu. "Aku sudah tua dan ingin hidup tenang.. Aku ingin pergi berlibur dan berlayar. Maukah kau memberi aku sebuah kapal untuk pesiar?" "Duh, maaf aku tak punya kapal, tapi kau boleh memotong batang tubuhku dan menggunakannya untuk membuat kapal yang kau mau. Pergilah berlayar dan bersenang-senanglah ." Kemudian, anak lelaki itu memotong batang
pohon apel itu dan membuat kapal yang diidamkannya. Ia lalu pergi berlayar dan tak pernah lagi datang menemui pohon apel itu.

Akhirnya, anak lelaki itu datang lagi setelah bertahun-tahun kemudian.."Maaf anakku," kata pohon apel itu. "Aku sudah tak memiliki buah apel lagi untukmu.""Tak apa.Aku pun sudah tak memiliki gigi untuk mengigit buah apelmu," jawab anak lelaki itu.

"Aku juga tak memiliki batang dan dahan yang bisa kau panjat ," kata pohon apel."Sekarang , aku sudah terlalu tua untuk itu," jawab anak lelaki itu."Aku benar-benar tak memiliki apa-apa lagi yang bisa aku berikan padamu.Yang tersisa hanyalah akar-akarku yang sudah tua dan sekarat ini," kata pohon apel itu sambil menitikkan air mata.

"Aku tak memerlukan apa-apa lagi sekarang," kata anak lelaki. "Aku hanya membutuhkan tempat untuk beristirahat. Aku sangat lelah setelah sekian lama meninggalkanmu. " "Oooh, bagus sekali. Tahukah kau, akar-akar pohon tua adalah tempat terbaik untuk berbaring dan
beristirahat. Mari, marilah berbaring di pelukan akar-akarku dan beristirahatlah dengan tenang." Anak lelaki itu berbaring di pelukan akar-akar pohon. Pohon apel itu sangat gembira dan tersenyum sambil meneteskan air matanya.

Pohon apel itu adalah orang tua kita. Ketika kita muda, kita senang bermain-main dengan ayah dan ibu kita. Ketika kita tumbuh besar, kita meninggalkan mereka, dan hanya datang ketika kita memerlukan sesuatu atau dalam kesulitan. Tak peduli apa pun, orang tua kita akan selalu ada di sana untuk memberikan apa yang bisa mereka berikan untuk membuat kita bahagia. Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa anak lelaki itu telah bertindak sangat kasar pada pohon itu, tetapi begitulah cara kita memperlakukan orang tua kita.

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Sejarah Tentang Plat Mobil n Motor [ lanjutan.. ]

Daftar Plat Nomor Kendaraan Pejabat Negara

Mobil dinas pejabat negara memiliki plat nomor khusus. Jika pada saat pejabat tersebut bertugas ke wilayah di luar ibukota RI atau kunjungan dinas ke luar negeri, maka plat nomor tersebut akan dipasangkan pada mobil yang dinaiki oleh pejabat bersangkutan.

Berikut adalah daftar nomor polisi untuk kenderaan pejabat penting di Indonesia:
RI 1: Presiden
RI 2: Wakil Presiden
RI 3: Istri/suami presiden
RI 4: Istri/suami wakil presiden
RI 5: Ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
RI 6: Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
RI 7: Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Daerah
RI 8: Ketua Mahkamah Agung
RI 9: Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi
RI 10: Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan
RI 11: Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan
RI 12: Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian
RI 13: Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat
RI 14: Menteri Sekretaris Negara
RI 15: Menteri Sekretaris Kabinet
RI 16: Menteri Dalam Negeri
RI 17: Menteri Luar Negeri
RI 18: Menteri Pertahanan
RI 19: Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia
RI 20: Menteri Keuangan
RI 21: Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
RI 22: Menteri Perindustrian
RI 23: Menteri Perdagangan
RI 24: Menteri Pertanian
RI 25: Menteri Kehutanan
RI 26: Menteri Perhubungan
RI 27: Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan
RI 28: Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi
RI 29: Menteri Pekerjaan Umun
RI 30: Menteri Kesehatan
RI 31: Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
RI 32: Menteri Sosial
RI 33: Menteri Agama
RI 34: Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata
RI 35: Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi
RI 36: Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi
RI 37: Menteri Negara Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil-Menengah
RI 38: Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup
RI 39: Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan
RI 40: Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara
RI 41: Menteri Negara Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal
RI 42: Menteri Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Ketua Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
RI 43: Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara
RI 44: Menteri Negara Perumahan Rakyat
RI 45: Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga
RI 46: Jaksa Agung
RI 47: Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia
RI 48: Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia
RI 52: Wakil Ketua DPR
RI 59: Wakil Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan

CD = Corps Diplomatique (Diplomat dari Perwakilan Luar Negeri (Kedutaan), lihat pula bagian di bawah ini.
CC = Corps Consulaire, perwakilan luar negeri dari kantor konsulat jenderal.
KAA = Konferensi Asia-Afrika 2005. Khusus untuk kesempatan ini, mobil-mobil para peserta konferensi memiliki kode ini.

RI = untuk presiden dan pejabat pemerintahan pusat

Corps Diplomatic dan Corps Consular

Mobil milik Corps Diplomatic (Kedutaan Besar maupun Organisasi Internasional) memiliki kode khusus, yakni CD diikuti dengan angka. Untuk mendapatkan STNK dan BPKB, haruslah mendapatkan rekomendasi dari Departemen Luar Negeri.

Berikut adalah daftar nomor polisi untuk Corps Diplomatic di Indonesia:
CD 12: Amerika Serikat
CD 13: India
CD 14: Britania Raya
CD 15: Vatikan
CD 16: Norwegia
CD 17: Pakistan
CD 18: Myanmar
CD 19: China
CD 20: Swedia
CD 21: Arab Saudi
CD 22: Thailand
CD 23: Mesir
CD 24: Perancis
CD 25: Filipina
CD 26: Australia
CD 27: Irak
CD 28: Belgia
CD 29: Uni Emirat Arab
CD 30: Italia
CD 31: Swiss
CD 32: Jerman
CD 33: Sri Lanka
CD 34: Denmark
CD 35: Kanada
CD 36: Brazil
CD 37: Rusia
CD 38: Afghanistan
CD 39: Yugoslavia (Serbia ?)
CD 40: Republik Ceko
CD 41: Finlandia
CD 42: Meksiko
CD 43: Hongaria
CD 44: Polandia
CD 45: Iran
CD 47: Malaysia
CD 48: Turki
CD 49: Jepang
CD 50: Bulgaria
CD 51: Kamboja
CD 52: Argentina
CD 53: Romania
CD 54: Yunani
CD 55: Yordania
CD 56: Austria
CD 57: Suriah
CD 59: Selandia Baru
CD 60: Belanda
CD 61: Yaman
CD 62: UPU
CD 63: Portugal
CD 64: Aljazair
CD 65: Korea Utara
CD 66: Vietnam
CD 67: Singapura
CD 68: Spanyol
CD 69: Bangladesh
CD 70: Panama
CD 73: FAO
CD 74: WHO
CD 75: Korea Selatan
CD 76: ADB
CD 77: Bank Dunia
CD 78: IMF
CD 79: ILO
CD 80: Papua Nugini
CD 81: Nigeria
CD 82: Chili
CD 84: WFP
CD 85: Venezuela
CD 87: Colombia
CD 88: Brunei
CD 90: IFC
CD 97: Palang Merah
CD 98: Maroko
CD 99: Uni Eropa
CD 100: ASEAN (Sekretariat)
CD 101: Tunisia
CD 102: Kuwait
CD 103: Laos
CD 104: Palestina
CD 105: Kuba
CD 106: AIPO
CD 107: Libya
CD 108: Peru
CD 109: Slowakia
CD 110: Sudan
CD 111: ASEAN (Yayasan)
CD 112: (Utusan)
CD 114: Bosnia-Herzegovina
CD 115: Libanon
CD 116: Afrika Selatan
CD 117: Kroasia
CD 118: Ukraina
CD 119: Mali
CD 120: Uzbekistan
CD 121: Qatar
CD 123: Mozambik
CD 124: Kepulauan Marshall

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Sejarah Tentang Plat Mobil n Motor.

Pasti sebagian besar dari kalian pernah bertanya-tanya,ini plat kendaraan mana ya?? AB itu kode daerah mana?? BM, trus Z dll..nah dr smua itu akan kita bahas secara lengkap...

Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor (TNKB), atau sering kali disebut plat nomor atau nomor polisi, adalah plat aluminium tanda kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia yang telah didaftarkan pada Kantor Bersama Samsat.Daftar isi


Penggunaan tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia, terutama di Jawa, merupakan warisan sejak zaman Hindia Belanda, yang menggunakan kode wilayah berdasarkan pembagian wilayah karesidenan.

Spesifikasi teknis

Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor berbentuk plat aluminium dengan cetakan tulisan dua baris.
Baris pertama menunjukkan: kode wilayah (huruf), nomor polisi (angka), dan kode/seri akhir wilayah (huruf)
Baris kedua menunjukkan bulan dan tahun masa berlaku

Bahan baku TNKB adalah aluminium dengan ketebalan 1 mm. Ukuran TNKB untuk kendaraan bermotor roda 2 dan roda 3 adalah 250x105 mm, sedangkan untuk kendaraan bermotor roda 4 atau lebih adalah 395x135 mm. Terdapat cetakan garis lurus pembatas lebar 5 mm diantara ruang nomor polisi dengan ruang angka masa berlaku.

Pada sudut kanan atas dan sudut kiri bawah terdapat tanda khusus (security mark) cetakanlambang Polisi Lalu Lintas; sedangkan pada sisi sebelah kanan dan sisi sebelah kiri ada tanda khusus cetakan "DITLANTAS POLRI" (Direktorat Lalu Lintas Kepolisian RI) yang merupakan hak paten pembuatan TNKB oleh Polri dan TNI.


Warna Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor ditetapkan sebagai berikut:
Kendaraan bermotor bukan umum dan kendaraan bermotor sewa: Warna dasar hitam dengan tulisan berwarna putih
Kendaraan bermotor umum: Warna dasar kuning dengan tulisan berwarna hitam
Kendaraan bermotor milik Pemerintah: Warna dasar merah dengan tulisan berwarna putih
Kendaraan bermotor Corps Diplomatik Negara Asing: Warna dasar Putih dengan tulisan berwarna hitam

Nomor Urut Pendaftaran

Nomor urut pendaftaran kendaraan bermotor, atau disebut pula nomor polisi, diberikan sesuai dengan urutan pendaftaran kendaraan bermotor. Nomor urut tersebut terdiri dari 1-4 angka, dan ditempatkan setelah Kode Wilayah Pendaftaran. Nomor urut pendaftaran dialokasikan sesuai kelompok jenis kendaraan bermotor(untuk wilayah DKI Jakarta):
1 - 2999, 8000 - 8999 dialokasikan untuk kendaraan penumpang.
3000 - 6999, dialokasikan untuk sepeda motor.
7000 - 7999, dialokasikan untuk bus.
9000 - 9999, dialokasikan untuk kendaraan beban.

Apabila nomor urut pendaftaran yang telah dialokasikan habis digunakan, maka nomor urut pendaftaran berikutnya kembali ke nomor awal yang telah dialokasikan dengan diberi tanda pengenal huruf seri A - Z di belakang angka pendaftaran. Apabila huruf di belakang angka sebagai tanda pengenal kelipatan telah sampai pada huruf Z, maka penomoran dapat menggunakan 2 huruf seri di belakang angka pendaftaran. Khusus untuk DKI Jakarta, dapat menggunakan hingga 3 huruf seri di belakang angka pendaftaran.

Kode Wilayah Pendaftaran Kendaraan Bermotor

Kode wilayah pendaftaran kendaraan bermotor ditetapkan oleh Peraturan Kapolri Nomor Polisi 4 Tahun 2006.

BL = Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
BB = Sumatera Utara Bagian Barat (Tapanuli)
BK = Sumatera Utara
BA = Sumatera Barat
BM = Riau
BP = Kepulauan Riau
BG = Sumatera Selatan
BN = Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
BE = Lampung
BD = Bengkulu
BH = Jambi


DKI Jakarta, Banten, Jawa Barat
A = Banten: Kabupaten/Kota Serang, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Kota Cilegon, Kabupaten Lebak, sebagian Kabupaten Tangerang

B = DKI Jakarta, Kabupaten/Kota Tangerang, Kabupaten/Kota Bekasi(B-K**), Kota Depok

D = Kabupaten/Kota Bandung, Kota Cimahi, Kabupaten Bandung Barat

E = eks Karesidenan Cirebon: Kabupaten/Kota Cirebon, Kabupaten Indramayu, Kabupaten Majalengka, Kabupaten Kuningan (E - YA/YB/YC/YD)

F = eks Karesidenan Bogor: Kabupaten/Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Cianjur, Kabupaten/Kota Sukabumi

T = Kabupaten Purwakarta, Kabupaten Karawang, sebagian Kabupaten Bekasi, Kabupaten Subang

Z = Kabupaten Garut, Kabupaten/Kota Tasikmalaya, Kabupaten Sumedang, Kabupaten Ciamis, Kota Banjar

Jawa Tengah dan DI Yogyakarta
G = eks Karesidenan Pekalongan: Kabupaten (G - B)/Kota Pekalongan (G - A), Kabupaten (G - F)/Kota Tegal (G - E), Kabupaten Brebes, Kabupaten Batang (G - C), Kabupaten Pemalang (G - D)

H = eks Karesidenan Semarang: Kabupaten/Kota Semarang, Kota Salatiga, Kabupaten Kendal (H - D), Kabupaten Demak

K = eks Karesidenan Pati: Kabupaten Pati (K - A), Kabupaten Kudus (K - B), Kabupaten Jepara (K - C), Kabupaten Rembang (K - D), Kabupaten Blora, Kabupaten Grobogan

R = eks Karesidenan Banyumas: Kabupaten Banyumas (R - A/H/S), Kabupaten Cilacap (R - B/K/T), Kabupaten Purbalingga (R - C), Kabupaten Banjarnegara

AA = eks Karesidenan Kedu: Kabupaten/Kota Magelang, Kabupaten Purworejo, Kabupaten Kebumen, Kabupaten Temanggung, Kabupaten Wonosobo

AB = DI Yogyakarta: Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Bantul, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Kabupaten Sleman, Kabupaten Kulon Progo

AD = eks Karesidenan Surakarta: Kota Surakarta (AD), Kabupaten Sukoharjo (AD - B), Kabupaten Boyolali (AD - D), Kabupaten Sragen (AD - E), Kabupaten Karanganyar (AD - F), Kabupaten Wonogiri (AD - G), Kabupaten Klaten (AD - C)

Jawa Timur
L = Kota Surabaya

M = eks Karesidenan Madura: Kabupaten Pamekasan, Kabupaten Sumenep, Kabupaten Sampang, Kabupaten Bangkalan

N = eks Karesidenan Malang: Kabupaten/Kota Malang, Kabupaten/Kota Probolinggo, Kabupaten/Kota Pasuruan, Kabupaten Lumajang, Kota Batu

P = eks Karesidenan Besuki: Kabupaten Bondowoso, Kabupaten Situbondo, Kabupaten Jember, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

S = eks Karesidenan Bojonegoro: Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Kabupaten/Kota Mojokerto, Kabupaten Tuban, Kabupaten Lamongan, Kabupaten Jombang[2]

W = Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Gresik[3]

AE = eks Karesidenan Madiun: Kabupaten/Kota Madiun, Kabupaten Ngawi, Kabupaten Magetan, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Kabupaten Pacitan

AG = eks Karesidenan Kediri: Kabupaten/Kota Kediri, Kabupaten/Kota Blitar, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Kabupaten Trenggalek

^ Daerah dengan kode wilayah Z sebelumnya memiliki kode wilayah D (eks Karesidenan Parahyangan)
^ Jombang memiliki kode wilayah S sejak tahun 2005, sebelumnya memiliki kode wilayah W
^ Daerah dengan kode wilayah W sebelumnya memiliki kode wilayah L (eks Karesidenan Surabaya)

Bali dan Nusa Tenggara
DK = Bali

DR = NTB I (Pulau Lombok: Kota Mataram, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah)

EA = NTB II (Pulau Sumbawa: Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat, Kabupaten Sumbawa, Kabupaten Dompu, Kabupaten/Kota Bima)

DH = NTT I (Pulau Timor: Kabupaten/Kota Kupang, Kabupaten TTU, TTS, Kabupaten Rote Ndao)

EB = NTT II (Pulau Flores dan kepulauan: Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Kabupaten Manggarai, Kabupaten Ngada, Kabupaten Ende, Kabupaten Sikka, Kabupaten Flores Timur, Kabupaten Lembata, Kabupaten Alor)

ED = NTT III (Pulau Sumba: Kabupaten Sumba Barat, Kabupaten Sumba Timur)

KB = Kalimantan Barat
DA = Kalimantan Selatan
KH = Kalimantan Tengah
KT = Kalimantan Timur

DB = Sulawesi Utara Daratan (Kota Manado, Kota Tomohon, Kota Bitung, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Kabupaten Minahasa, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)
DL = Sulawesi Utara Kepulauan (Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud)
DM = Gorontalo
DN = Sulawesi Tengah
DT = Sulawesi Tenggara
DD = Sulawesi Selatan
DC = Sulawesi Barat

Maluku dan Papua
DE = Maluku
DG = Maluku Utara
DS = Papua dan Papua Barat

DF = Timor Timur (tidak digunakan, karena telah menjadi negara tersendiri)

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West vs East

Ini cuman buat hiburan, moga2 temen2 nda tersinggung. Coba aja diliat dulu, bener gak? Buat instropeksi diri.

Blue-----> Orang Bule
Red------> Orang Asia

Picture :

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Launching PNPM Marine and Fisheries NATIONAL LEVEL

Attended Mendagri Mardiyanto and Marine Minister Freddy Numberi

District Kulonprogo Tuesday (17 / 3) future will be the host of a national level that is launching the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) field of Marine and Fisheries with the location of events in the port of landing pusatkan Fish (PPI) Karangwuni Wates. In the event since the beginning will be attended by two ministers each Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Aburizal Bakri and Minister of Marine and Fisheries Freddy Numberi, but due to busy to attend Menkokesra canceled and replaced by the Minister of Home Affairs Mardiyanto, and Minister of Marine and Fisheries.

According to the PR Kasubag Pemkab Kulonprogo, Arning Rahayu, SIP, before the two ministers will be the location of transit agencies in the house next to the Regent Kulonprogo depart with the major events start at 14.00.WIB. The event will be attended by the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X, 33 Head of Fisheries and Marine province se-Indonesia, about 145 Regent / Mayor, and the fishermen and fishing communities that the overall number of 1000 participants.

"In this opportunity will be handed funds PNPM Marine - Fisheries, which is symbolic to the Regent diterimkan Kulonprogo, Sleman, Bantul and Gunungkidul, and continued with the meeting between wicara fishermen and fishing groups with both the Minister," explained.

While the event is scheduled after the ministers and officials, to review the location of fishing ground in the village fish farmer groups Tanjungharjo district Nanggulan.

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DISTRICT GOVERNMENT line with the Struggle PPLP

Regent Asking of the Supporting Puro For Building Kulonprogo

Regent Kulonprogo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo the seriousness support development the district Kulonprogo to progress Puro Pakualaman. This is related to the status of land PA Ground term land Puro that many districts are in the region in DIY, mainly located along the south coast Kulonprogo. Various business regency governments to improve the welfare of the people through the efforts of development in the area south by the land owner in this case always fall in the middle of the road, when the parties met with Puro.

"I really agree with PPLP that farmers should not lose their agricultural land caused by the iron sand mining. Iron ore mining is done by investors who perblok each bloknya be for two years, mining was carried out during the farmers who cultivate the land can not be given indemnity or compensation according to the results received at the land as before, essentially farmers must not lose his right I agree, but assurance that the rights of farmers to be able to manage the land as before with a letter from Puro above as evidence of black and white now that this is still a problem, "said Toyo, when receiving BPTP Yogyakarta which will develop the plant in Joglo Pemkab Krandan, Tuesday (24 / 2).

In opportunity Toyo said that during this government in line with the thinking of the struggle Paguyuban Petani Lahan Pantai (PPLP), so do not expect any hostility. "PPLP should not be detested as they struggle with the government, so the government does not hate PPLP, because PPLP very meritorious to the district government, there is no bargaining power PPLP government to investors is low, so even thank me once," he said.

However, the number one in this Kulonprogo feel annoyed with the Puro is less serious for the help in the development Kulonprogo, because investors always a push if the problem is the status of land. "Acctually Puro support the development in Kulonprogo, what does not? what would prevent development in Kulonprogo," he said. In opportunity Toyo also explain investor who will build hotels in the tourism Glagah, which failed because the status of land in Puro so that government can not make IMB.

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Budget priority for Rural Areas

In Kulon Progo, Income and Expenditure Budget Region (APBD) priority for rural areas. For, at this time most of the poor population residing in the village. To empower communities and build necessary facilities and funds are very large.

Said Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo inaugurate Budi Hartono time as the Village Head (Kades) Pengasih, Thursday (19 / 2) in the local village hall. Present in the event that I Assek Drs Sutedjo, Head of the Government of the Village Community Empowerment Women and Family Planning (BPMPPKB) Drs Krissutanto, Camat Pengasih Drs Sri Harmintarti MM, Muspika, BPD members and community leaders Pengasih.

Meanwhile, add Toyo, the people of the city have got better facilities in the development and infrastructure. With the facility, he said, of a society is relatively more prosperous city than the village.

In addition, he said, most people working in the sector of trade. They use the village as a buyer. "With the shopping to the city, the villagers are automatic succession to build prosperity and improve the urban areas. Therefore, fair enough if budgets issued to more villages, "according to Toyo explanation.

Toyo expect more, so that the village can be as effective as possible take advantage of funding assistance from the government district. According to the number one in the Kulon Progo, support government assistance for rural districts is very large. Whether in the form of ADD, TPAPD, as well as capital LKM.

"Help the Government of Kulon Progo Regency government for the large number 3 villages across Indonesia. While PAD Kulon Progo only 40 M less. Meanwhile, Kutai Kartanegara PAD is approximately 2.5 trillion. Reasonable if they are able to provide assistance to the government a larger village of Kulon Progo, "according to Toyo explanation.

If aid is used effectively, said Toyo, then in the near future there will be a rapid acceleration of development and economic growth in rural areas is significant. So that there will be a balance between the growth of cities and villages, and reduced the number of poor population in Kulon Progo.

Budi Hartono was selected as Kades Pengasih after successfully winning the Pilkades held Sunday (1 / 2) ago. Employers las is absolutely capable of winning the top 3 competitors.


Physical Development Tirtorahayu


Prapta Legawa Wednesday (18 / 2) constituted a Kades Tirtorahayu Galur District. Of the plenary meeting held in the Special Village Board discussion with the main event The oath and appointment made by Kades elected Regent of Kulon Progo. H. Toyo Santoso Dipo in Pendopo the local Village Hall.

Present in the inauguration, Assistant Government and People's Welfare Drs.Sutedjo, Head of Government of the Village Women and Family Planning Drs.Krisustanto, Kabag Law Setda A. Bambang Sulistyo, SH, Kabag for People's Welfare Setda Arief Sudarmanto, SH, Camat Galur Jumanto, with SH Muspika, Kades se-Galur District, the Chairman and members of Drs.H.Suradi BPD BPD, the village and community leaders.

Prapta Legawa constituted Kades be based on the Decree No Regent. 27 year 2009 about The Prapta Legawa as the Village Head Tirtorahayu the 2009-2015 term of office. Prapto Legawa superior in some time ago Pilkades replace the former Kades Sudarmanto dismissed with respect not because of criminal cases.

Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo reminded in his speech, the leader of the now and to the future are required to hear more of the talking. As a Head of the Village is expected to hear the aspirations of the community, whether oral or written. In addition must be able to see the visible and hidden form of both the potential and development problems.

"The village, which was very Tirtorahayu forward in building this now, it is behind the development of physical appeal in other villages, for it to Kades the new attention to the community increased, Kades not need to be reluctant to ask for help in building the village Pemkab Tirtorahayu to become more advanced and prosperous, "said Toyo.

Attention to the tutor Pemkab village has shown improvement, through the tutor TPAPD earnings in Kulonprogo third largest in Indonesia. However, given the increased revenue should be offset with the way work is better, old habits of "pungli" should be removed. Tunjangan pamong desa melalui TPAPD meningkat diterima sehingga sekarang banyak yang daftar jadi pamong desa, sebenarnya maksudnya agar di desa-desa tidak ada pungli lagi, dulu yardik-yardik (bayar disik) nek ora yo ragelem teken harus dihilangkan,”he said.

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Research and Development in Kulon Progo

District of Kulonprogo Jati plant will develop a pattern for the Superior Results. One of the steps that have to do is in cooperation with Business Unit Results for Cooperative Housing Wanabhakti Nusantara (UBH-KPWN). Nota MoU signing or understanding between the Government of Kulon Progo district with UBH-KPWN conducted Saturday (14 / 2) in II Floor Binangun government district. From the government district Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo while UBH-by KPWN Director Ir.Hariyono Soeroso MS.

In opportunity at the same time the Government made cooperation with the districts that do APIKRI pandan cultivation in the coastal south of materials to help braid agel. The event was witnessed Assistant Economic Development and Natural Resources Setda Ir.Agus Anggono, Kadinas Agriculture and Forestry Ir.Agus Langgeng Basuki Head Office and the Environment Ir.Djunianto Marsudi Utomo.

According Hariyono Soeroso, with this MoU has benn approve then in 2009 and beyond, planned Kabupaten Kulon Progo developed farming Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) with the pattern of results as much as 100,000 trees, or area of 100 ha each year, which are spread in many villages, with perdesa number of 25,000 trees in 5 years. In five years, will be planted some 500,000 trees with an area 500 ha of land, which are spread in 20 villages.

"If every village to plant a minimum of 5000 trees per year for 5 years, the year I start harvesting until V, Kas Desa each village will get the harvest of 250 million. Farmer processing and owners of land in the village concerned will get the results harvest 875 million per year, "said Hariyono.

In addition, the village is still an additional form of security of wage costs 2500 per tree per five years, and also to reward farmers processing 14,000 per tree per five years is paid gradually in accordance with the progress of work. Therefore, the pattern of farming JUN Sharing will encourage rural economic growth and improve the quality of the environment.

While nationally the number of JUN with the pattern for the early start of 2007 until December 2008 as many as 438,270 trees involving 1676 families of farmers in East Java district includes Magetan 195,805 trees, 8,070 trees Madiun, Ponorogo 39,359 trees, 40,755 trees and Ngawi, in West Java Bogor 48,129 trees, tree Tanggerang 2302, Purwakarta and 100,000 trees in the DIY Kulonprogo 3850 a number of trees. The number of investors reached 443 people with the amount of investment for the 232,487 trees worth Rp.13.949.220.000, -.

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Level Productivity Rice GOGO

Level Productivity Rice GOGO in Kokap 5.9Ton Perhektar

Level of productivity of rice cultivation in the gogo member farmers' groups (Klomtan) 'Rejeki Court' in Pedukuhan Klepu, Hargowilis Village, District Kokap reach 5.9 tons Gabah Kering Harvest (GKP) perhektar. Results can be different owing to the use of superior seeds and balanced fertilization with organic fertilizers.

According to the Chairman of Klomtan 'Court Rejeki' Suraji (68), group members to plant rice gogo in land the forest people of the area around Gunung Agung 10 ha since 2007 season ago. In the first planting, a new level of productivity reached 3.6 tons. "This year can be higher because Unsoed get guidance from the Department of Agriculture and Purwokerto Kulon Progo," he said.

It is said, in the first planting farmers use only 1 type of seed. Then, by researchers from Purwokerto Unsoed given some kind of excellence that is suitable for the type of gogo. Gogo aromatic types including the results better than the other types, explained.

On Thursday (12 / 2) on the land to harvest feast is done by Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo. Present in the event that the Head of Bappeda SH Budi Wibowo MM, Head of Agriculture and Kegutanan Langgeng Ir Agus Basuki, Head Office Food and Agriculture Fisheries Forestry instructor (KP3K) Ir Bambang Tri Budi Harsono, Camat Kokap Santoso SIP, Researchers from Unsoed Purwokerto Dr Totok Agung and Klomtan members 'Agung Rejeki'.

Totok Court explained, at this time Unsoed middle of doing technology development gogo rice cultivation in some areas, including Kulon Progo. Previously, he said, by the people of rice gogo complained often less good quality. Among others, rice, less tasty, and if not pera cold crust.

"We then add to the fragrant aroma menthik so aromanya can rasanga more savory and delicious. There are several types of seeds that we develop and the average production is better. Hopefully this can be developed in Kulon Progo, "hopes

Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo optimistic when gogo rice production in the Kulon Progo can be improved continuously. Because most of the rice farmers is a gogo area of mountain that is usually more ndregil in the use of new technology. The key to increased rice production, he said, is the use of technology with the most appropriate condition of plants and soil.

Toyo rate, farmers at this time Indonesia still far behind from other countries. Including China which is able to produce 14 tons of rice perhektar. Meanwhile, in Indonesia only about 6.5 tons.

"The technology is in use. Chinese farmers have been using the hormonal and enzyme technology, while we are still a noise about the use of fertilizers. And the problem is a chemical and fertilizer nonkimia. In fact all the fertilizer is a chemical compound, "said Toyo.

Meanwhile, Bambang Tri Harsono said, rice gogo area in the Kulon Progo in 2008 reached 134 ha, mostly located in the hilly region Menoreh. Level of production an average of 3.12 tons perha. "What is achieved by Klomtan 'Agung Rejeki' far higher than the average district," he said.

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Tile Kulon Progo

80% Supply Tile Kulon Progo from Outer Regional

To meet the needs of building materials such as tile in Kulon Progo, almost 80 percent came from outside the region. In fact, many of the tile industry Kulon Progo, and have a quality that is not quite good with the tile that come from outside the region. So the existence of this industry, must continue and be encouraged. So that the tile of Kulon Progo be increasingly recognized and used by the public and Kulon Progo from outside the region.

Said by Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo Thursday (5 / 2), while providing tools to help Group Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the pages of Industry, Wates. In the present opportunity, Head of Industry Drs. Darto, Head BAPPEDA Budi Wibowo, SH, Sosnakertrans Drs.Musodo Head of Department, Head of Agriculture and Forestry Ir. Agus Basuki Langgeng actors and SME beneficiaries.

This is related to the development of housing and real estate in the Kulon Progo is developing very rapidly in every year. However, most tile still needs supplied from outside the region. "Because most of us are reluctant to use a tile of Kulon Progo and even bring in from outside the region such as, Kebumen, Jatiwangi (Cirebon), Klaten and Gedean," said Regent.

Therefore, developing and maintaining the tile industry that we have actually very good. So in the Kulon Progo can optimize the potential and resources owned. For the tile industry, this can spur the production of tile, and they can be in every day. Not only based on if there are people who book a course, he added.

On the other hand, small industries should also be clever to see the fissure and the development of the market. Because if left too will reduce the peminat and buyers will use the results of handicrafts. As for example, the model for handicrafts, food industry for packing small and the quality of the production. "I never buy a bag of resletingnya up to the house but directly damaged. Although the price is cheap but I as a consumer to be cured, "Toyo row.

In this opportunity, submit a Major of assistance to SMEs working equipment such as, coconut fiber machine breaker, Giling coffee machine, machine ekstruder (fine ground), tile press, grated coconut machine, drill, saw, grinder and more. With a nominal amount of Rp 128 million. Given to industries such as coconut fiber industry craft, shell craft, industry and crafts tile coffee. Meanwhile, according to one of the craftsman tile beneficiaries Parijan, said that the good of this assistance. Because this group is given a name in Tlogolelo Tlogo Makmur, Hargomulyo, Kokap, it still requires a great machine and press pelumat land tile.

It is expected that with the provision of assistance will spur the production of the tile for the group. So that to the fore, the production of tile Tlogo Group Makmur can and can better maintain the quality. "For the good quality of tile industry that we have just kept growing and by the people," he said.

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As the effort of unemployment and a reduction in the number of workers as the impact of global economic crisis that occurred recently, the government through the UPTD Blk (Regional Unit of Technical Training Center) Social Department of Manpower and Transmigration Kulon Progo Regency will provide the opportunity for the community especially those interested in creating new employment opportunities with the first stock have various skills. To help people gain skills in UPTD Blk Kulon Progo a Skills Training Program in 2009 is free of charge free of cost.

Head UPTD BLK Kulon Progo Sri Sulanjari, SIP, Thursday (5 / 2) describe the skills training that is conducted by BLK Kulon Progo held in Cuma Cuma alias-free, because all costs are fully borne by the government. So that the community is expected to take advantage of this opportunity, to open the stock will become a new business, especially the threat of the impact of global economic crisis with the number of Termination of Employment Relations (PHK) by several companies.

Added, with a range of training skills to the vocational field of time during each 240 hours or 6 for sunday include expertise in the field of Electrical Repair Tools, Engineering, refrigerator, Electronics, HP Technician, Computer Operator, Las Electricity, Machine Tools, sewing, bike mechanic Motor Basic, Advanced repair Motorcycles, Cars and Gasoline Boga.

"For people who are interested are to contact immediately and enroll in work hours, applicants are not limited, registration can be served in the Office BLK UPTD Kulonprogo Jl. Raya-Wates Purworejo km.2, Telephone (0274) 773306 and Department Sosnakertrans Jl. Sugiman No.3 Watulunyu Wates, Telephone (0274) 774639 "he explained.



Budi Hartono most successful in achieving sound democratic party Elections Village Head (Pilkades) village Pengasih District Pengasih held Sunday (1 / 2). From 12 poll (TPS) is the skipper Las ordinal number three of the four candidates to reach this total vote in 2190, Budi successful in winning 11 TPS, the TPS is only one sound that is muddy in TPS 6 Pedukuhan Tunjungan.Di this TPS Tujo Biyantoro candidate who is also from the local people most successful meraup with 368 votes, while Budi only reach 35 votes.

Results by the end of the second selection committee be Djoko Purwanto vote in 1092, 1068 and Tujo Biyantoro candidate Kades Indarto get 684 votes. With most sound acquisition, Budi Hartono Kades defined as a candidate elected. Previous Kades Pengasih was empty for several months because officials long Suyoto PA puppetry artists who also died because of illness.
The number of voters remain villagers Pengasih of 6523 voters. At the time of the election, people who use rights of 5,150 voters. Ballot is declared valid as the 5034 vote and the ballot is not as much as 116 valid votes.

The process of calculating the total number of votes from some of TPS in the village office smooth and orderly progress. Some of the supporters and team success of each candidate meets the Village Office page, the same thing also happened in the house for each candidate Kades. Meanwhile, officials from the kabupaten governments Kulon Progo present witnessing the end of the vote results in the village office, Head of Village Community Empowerment Government Women and KB Drs. Krisutanto, and Camat Dra.Sri Pengasih Harmintarti.Kasubid Institution, and The Village Government Administration Board of Community Government and the Village Women Sugimo KB SIP is also present from the 88 villages are still a village, which is not the Pilkades ie Garongan because village officials previously dismissed , tripped due to a case. Implementation Pilkades in the village Garongan will molor for several months so it was not possible before the legislative elections because of the schedule execution time is not possible.

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Grand Opening of MEDIA CENTRE
In a series of activities the night before the New Year 2009 Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo inaugurate Media Center Kulon Progo. The press service for the man Kulon Progo this building used to occupy the Licensing Office in the way of private or no.3 Wates precisely in the south side of the House Office of the Vice Regent of the east Alun-alun Wates. Facilities in the Media Center computer room is connected to all the internet, and the Press Conference room at the time used by the leaders of the region and SKPD to meet with the man of the press.

Inauguration is marked with the inscription attended Wabup Drs.H.Mulyono, Chairman of the Legislative Drs.H.Kasdiyono, Muspida and head of the Regional Working device (SKPD) and the journalists who covered the day-to-day activities in the district Kulon Progo.

Media Center is equipped with five computer units connected to the Internet, in the opportunity to review some of the room, computer room at the Regent try to access the network is available some time.

In opportunity with Regent and Vice Regent Muspida the conference room of the Media Center with some journalists.

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Kehilangan Pelungguh dan Penghasilan Tambahan

Sebanyak 42 Sekretaris Desa (Sekdes) atau Carik Desa di Kabupaten Kulon Progo segera diangkat menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Terhitung mulai awal Januari 2009 harus rela kehilangan penghasilan dari pelungguh dan hak penghasilan tambahan sebagai perangkat desa.

Informasi yang berhasil dihimpun hingga Selasa (30/12), sebanyak 42 dari 50 Sekdes di Kabupaten Kulon Progo terhitung mulai Januari 2009 diangkat menjadi PNS. Surat Keputusan (SK) pengangkatan PNS terhitung mulai tanggal (TMT) segera diserahkan kepada yang bersangkutan pada awal Januari 2009.

Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kulonprogo Drs Djulistyo dan Kepala Seksi Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kepegawaian Sudarmanto, menjelaskan Sekdes yang telah menerima SK pengangkatan PNS, masuk dalam struktur kepegawaian dalam kecamatan. Penghasilan Sekdes dari gaji layaknya PNS yang akan diterimakan di setiap awal bulan.

"BKD akan menyerahkan SK PNS kepada Sekdes bersangkutan diawal bulan Januari 2009. Bulan Desember 2008 telah kita lalui sehingga tidak mungkin diserahkan bulan Desember. Bagaimana masalah pelungguh dan penghasilan tambahan yang diterima selama ini sebagai perangkat desa, akan ada ketentuan tersendiri," tutur Sudarmanto.

Menurutnya sebanyak 42 SK pengangkatan menjadi PNS sudah ditandatangani Bupati Kulonprogo dan sudah siap diserahkan kepada yang bersangkutan. Gaji yang diterima Sekdes sebagai PNS terhitung mulai tanggal, Januari 2009. Sejak bulan tersebut, Sekdes tidak lagi menerima penghasilan tambahan.

Sekdes di wilayah Kabupaten Kulonprogo yang diangkat menjadi PNS pada tahap pertama sebanyak 43 orang. Di tengah pemberkasan di Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) satu orang Sekdes meninggal sehingga tinggal sebanyak 42 orang. Pada tahap berikutnya dijadwalkan sebanyak 6 orang dan pada tahap terakhir 1 orang.