Budget priority for Rural Areas

In Kulon Progo, Income and Expenditure Budget Region (APBD) priority for rural areas. For, at this time most of the poor population residing in the village. To empower communities and build necessary facilities and funds are very large.

Said Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo inaugurate Budi Hartono time as the Village Head (Kades) Pengasih, Thursday (19 / 2) in the local village hall. Present in the event that I Assek Drs Sutedjo, Head of the Government of the Village Community Empowerment Women and Family Planning (BPMPPKB) Drs Krissutanto, Camat Pengasih Drs Sri Harmintarti MM, Muspika, BPD members and community leaders Pengasih.

Meanwhile, add Toyo, the people of the city have got better facilities in the development and infrastructure. With the facility, he said, of a society is relatively more prosperous city than the village.

In addition, he said, most people working in the sector of trade. They use the village as a buyer. "With the shopping to the city, the villagers are automatic succession to build prosperity and improve the urban areas. Therefore, fair enough if budgets issued to more villages, "according to Toyo explanation.

Toyo expect more, so that the village can be as effective as possible take advantage of funding assistance from the government district. According to the number one in the Kulon Progo, support government assistance for rural districts is very large. Whether in the form of ADD, TPAPD, as well as capital LKM.

"Help the Government of Kulon Progo Regency government for the large number 3 villages across Indonesia. While PAD Kulon Progo only 40 M less. Meanwhile, Kutai Kartanegara PAD is approximately 2.5 trillion. Reasonable if they are able to provide assistance to the government a larger village of Kulon Progo, "according to Toyo explanation.

If aid is used effectively, said Toyo, then in the near future there will be a rapid acceleration of development and economic growth in rural areas is significant. So that there will be a balance between the growth of cities and villages, and reduced the number of poor population in Kulon Progo.

Budi Hartono was selected as Kades Pengasih after successfully winning the Pilkades held Sunday (1 / 2) ago. Employers las is absolutely capable of winning the top 3 competitors.

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