Musik Karyanya Dipakai Pengiring Game

Rama, Penyandang Tunanetra

Tidak benar penyandang tunanetra menjadi beban keluarga, tidak mandiri dan rendah diri. Ini dibuktikan Eko Ramadytia Adikara (28) yang mengalami cacat penglihatan sejak lahir. Rama merasa bangga, karena memiliki kelebihan dan mampu meraih prestasi internasional sehingga menjadikannya mandiri.
Saat diundang dalam acara 'Kick Andy Off Air' dikota Semarang, Minggu (23/11), Ramadytia mampu membuat ratusan penonton berdecak kagum. Penonton dibuat terkesima oleh ketrampilan yang dimiliki Rama. Saat diberi kesempatan 3 menit buat unjuk kelebihan, Rama mampu memainkan sulingnya yang ia beri nama Aurora untuk mengiringi beberapa musik konser. Bahkan Rama juga secara meyakinkan mampu mengoperasionalkan sebuah laptop dengan begitu lancar.
Rama mengaku mampu mengoperasionalkan laptop hanya dari sorot cahaya yang ada dilaptop. Meski tunanetra Rama juga mampu memperlihatkan kelebihannya seperti mengetahui beberapa titik lampu yang ada dalam ruangan saat digelar show Kick Andy di area PRPPG Semarang.
Yang lebih mencengangakan lagi, hasil karya aransemen musik Rama mampu menembus sejumlah negara diantaranya Korea. "Saya mengirimkan 25 karya aransemen saya ke perusahaan game raksasa Nintendo. Dari 25 karya saya, hanya tiga aransemen yang dipakai oleh nintendo," tutur Rama.
Rama yang mengaku sempat ditolak untuk sekolah di sekolah umum ini juga menceritakan bahwa ia gemar nonton bioskop. Saat nonton bioskop Rama bisa mengikuti jalan ceritanya dari aransemen musik dan sound. "Orang tunanetra biasanya minder atau tidak percaya diri, saya justru bangga menjadi seorang tunanetra. Dengan kondisi saya saat ini justru membuat saya berimajinasi," tuturnya.
Selama bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan, Rama justru tidak menghendaki diperlakukan lain. Ia menginginkan lingkungannya termasuk keluarga agar memperlakukan dirinya sama dengan orang-orang normal. Trush me, give me a fair chance (beri kami kepercayaan dan beri kami kesempatan yang sama). Demikian keinginannya terhadap lingkungan.
Masyarakat penggemar game di Indonesia tidak mengetahui bahwa musik yang digunakan dalam game Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Bros dan game Ragnarok Online adalah hasil karya Ramadytia yang terlahir dikota Semarang.

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Civil Servants Enjoy a Longer HOLIDAYS

The Civil Service (PNS) in the scope of the Government Kulon Progo enjoy the long holiday at the end of the year 2008 and early 2009. Vacation in succession includes the Christmas holiday 2008, the New Year in 1430 Hijriyah, the Islamic Calendar, and New Year's Day 2009.

The Head Office of Public Relations News Kulon Progo, Arning Rahayu, SIP, confirming the existence of the long holiday. However, as a consequence of this long holiday, was set on civil servants to replace the obligations of holiday time with the extension of working hours on other days.

As Arning, long holiday that includes 5-day holiday in succession with a two-day entry work, and the New Year holiday again in 2009 CE. Day holiday Thursday December 25 2008 Christmas coincide. Then Friday December 26 as the holiday leave and Saturday with the Dec. 27 regular holidays. Meanwhile, on Dec. 28 is a Sunday. Meanwhile, Monday Dec. 29 coincides New Year holidays Hijriyah, the Islamic Calendar 1430.

After the holiday successive 5 days, civil servants in the Government District Kulonprogo compulsory entrance, as is usually working again on Tuesday-Wednesday, 30-31 December. Next Thursday January 1 2009, which coincides with the new year, civil servants back to hollidays.

Decisions long holiday, not applicable for civil servants teachers, because of time off has been prepared in accordance with the calendar of education. This also applies to agencies that provide services to the community by doing picket schedule in turns, such as health services, and library.

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MALAM SATU SURO DI GUNUNG LANANG : Gelar Ruwatan Agung Salirojati

Night welcomed the new year of Java or 1 Suro 1942 Paguyuban Kadang Gunung Lanang will be Ruwatan conduct the ceremony in the Great Salirojati Mount Padepokan lanang Astana Bayeman Orange in the hamlet, village Sindutan subdistrict Temon. J. Suwaldji from aguyuban Kadang Gunung Lanang, explains the purpose of implementation of the Great Salirojati Ruwatan ceremony with the theme "Menemukan sejatining aku dan aku kang sejati" to preserve the culture of Java with the steps and spiritual rituals performed on Sunday (Monday night) (28/12) 19:00 WIB to finish at the Padepokan Gunung Lanang.

"In addition, as well as the behavior and spiritual salvation for the country and nation to the people of this nation with a sacred heart basis, the intention of the sacred and holy to the inner introspective or instropeksi that can understand and find jatidiri as a sovereign nation and sovereign. In the end can be freed from all the loose crush the oppressed living in the shadow life of our day-to-day "said Suwaldji.

Added, the opportunity was also held in The shadowgraph night with a puppeteer Ki Roesmadi from Wates the act Tumurune Wahyu Gajah Antisuro or Abimanyu Dadi Ratu.

Ruwatan opened to the public, the participants brought before uba rampe each form of white cloth Mori adequate clothing for Ikram, saputangan plain white, whip, roncen Mlati with the pendulum kantil yellow / white, egg chicken village and cloth Jarik to drop splash of water each one fruit.

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District Government System Development Community Develop "Makaryo"

To realize the independence of the Kulon Progo to become a community of independent and does not depend on the government and the party needed a certain breakthrough for the community empowerment program. In the district of Kulon Progo government plan to develop a systems development community that the name given to the development of the system "Makaryo." Which is the abbreviation of the word, Manunggal Karso Anggayuh Mulyo.

Said by the Economic Kabid BAPPEDAs Eko Wisnu Wardana, SE Monday (22/12), in the Empowerment Seminar System Makaryo Glass Building complex in the districts. The event was attended by Wabup Drs. H. Mulyono, village government, LSM and other community Kulon Progo.

This concept, is a system of community empowerment to optimize the potential of the community, which includes the four power. Namely, to increase the capacity of human beings (human resources), generate the economic resources (to create the productivity of the public), to develop resources development / Utilizing the environment (creating a healthy environment, productive and sustainable) and the empowerment of institutions that exist.

While the cycle of community empowerment makaryo include preparation of community empowerment programs, revitalization and the implementation of sustainable program. "It is expected that with the concept, people can attain Kulon Progo independent, productive and not get trapped into dependence (charity)," he said.

Meanwhile, Wabup Kulon Progo Drs. H. Mulyono welcomes the development plan system is the empowerment of the community. Since the independence of the community is something that is very necessary in order to implement development in Kulon Progo. "With the independence of the community will be more easy to realize development in Kulon Progo," he said.

For that, people expected, the village administration and related SKPD able to capture the empowerment program. Furthermore, the program can apply to become a system that is more concrete in order to realize development and create Kulon Progo welfare of the community.

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Sanitation Tuber Coluses Threatened Obstacle Year 2009 Costs

Tuber Coluses extermination or often known as TBC or TB in Kulon Progo at 2009 future products of the funds.Obstacles such as Pour associated with the funds from the budget of the devisit 19 billion rupiah, so that all aid cut average fifty percent.In addition to problems devisit reduction in the budget funds also due to the SOTK a new front in the year also require financing and budget, which is also new. This was revealed in audiensi Branch Manager PPTI Kulon Progo clerical assistant with Drs. H. Sutedjo Wiharso provincial secretary in the meeting room Kab. Progo west.

"Because the 2009 budget to devisit and implementation of the new SOTK also require new financing also forced the then we can only provide assistance to the Branch Manager PPTI Kulon Progo of five million rupiah, the number decreased from the year 2008 was ten million rupiah," the light Tedjo.

According to Sutedjo, PPTI actual budget proposed for the year is not too large compared with the benefits provided to the community. For 2009 PPTI Branch Kulon Progo budget to approximately forty million rupiah, but because the condition of district budget in 2009 was not possible to give more than five million rupiah.

"The assistance we can provide is very far from the expected, but we all hope to the PPTI and managers for the volounter still can help people eliminate TB in Kulon Progo", please Tedjo.

Operational costs to detect people with TB in Kulon Progo big enough, because this requires a lot of bottles to be distributed to the community as a place that saliva and then to a test laboratory. "This is the cost of laboratory tests that require the most cost, not yet bottled and transport to lead and take the bottles to the community," said T.H. Syadik as the head of the Branch PPTI Kulon Progo.

"Despite assistance from Pemkab realized that far from our expectations, but we will strive to work as closely as possible that we can," Syadik close.

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Vice Regent Concerned Over Monument Ny.Ageng Serang Known Horse Statues

Vice Regent Kulon Progo Drs.H.Mulyono regret very existence of the National Hero Monument Ny.Ageng Serang, which is in the Simpang Lima Karang Nongko Wates-known statue of a horse. Even someone to get a degree as a national hero through the study of a very long time. It said the Vice Regent of the audiensi receive from the Publishers Association of Indonesia (IKAPI) DIY work in space, on Tuesday (23/12). Also assisting the Head Office of the Regional library Kulon Progo, Agung Kurniawan SIP, MSi, as well as representatives from BAPPEDAs and the Office of Education.

"It is pitied Monument Ny.Ageng Serang are mounting in the Karang Nongko better known by the community with the Statue of Horse, to obtain a degree at the National Hero study required a long, that there are worse wedding invitation from one of the officials in these locations written Statue Horse, so let us begin to mention Ny.Ageng Serang not Statue Horse "said the Vice Regent.Meanwhile, in the audiensi R. Sharif Tholib from IKAPI DIY intend to give grants to add several books to a library collection of Regional and future help people enjoy reading and realize library.

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PROGRAM SIDUKA DI TINGKAT KABUPATEN : Kulon Progo Dijadikan Wilayah Percontohan

Kabupaten Kulon Progo terpilih menjadi wilayah percontohan pelaksanaan data entry program naasioanl sistem informasi kependudukan dan keluarga ( Siduka ) BKKBN Propinsi DIY. Pelaksanaan program uji coba di tingkat kabupaten ini, nantinya diharapkan bisa diterapkan di tiap kabupaten dan kota di Yogyakarta.

Pendataan jumlah keluarga di tingkat kabupaten ini diadakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pendataan. Dengan terlaksananya program ini, database jumlah keluarga yang didapat diharapkan bisa semakin update dan valid. Data yang dimasukkan ini adalah data R1KS atau register pendataan keluarga untuk tahun 2008. Data yang terkumpul dari tiap kecamatan nantinya akan dilaporkan ke Jakarta sebagai pertimbangan kebijakab BKKBN pusat. Dan nantinya data ini bisa dilihat melalui situs

Data saat ini merupakan data jumlah keluarga yang tersedia masih berdasarkan data dari tingkat propinsi. Untuk memudahkan proses data entry, pihak kabupaten telah berupaya menyediakan server data entry di tiap kecamatan. Namun hal ini masih menemui kendala yakni minimnya pasokan listrik di masing-masing kantor kecamatan.

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NATIONAL TEACHERS Day Kulonprogo; Minister of National Education: Fundamental Government Serious Professional Teachers

The government has to be awareness and we all, that there are no teachers, no means of education. Only with a touch of professional teachers with dignity, protected and prosperous, the children will receive the nation learned that educate and quality. Therefore, the National Teachers' Day 2008, this time, have an important meaning because governments are working seriously to bring teachers to improve the professional qualifications, competence, welfare and protection for teachers as the implications of Law No.14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers.

It is said Minister of National Education, Dr.Bambang Sudibyo, in a speech written to complain that the Regional Secretary (provincial secretary) Kulonprogo, Drs.H.So 'im, MM ceremony at the National Teachers' Day in 2008 Kulonprogo district level in the Government Kulon Progo, Tuesday (25/11). Also present Chairman of PGRI Kulonprogo Drs.Sukardi, Muspida, the ceremony is participants from civil servants, the Office of education, and teachers in the scope of Wates city. In this opportunity, once submitted a variety of prizes to the Teacher, Supervisor and Principal of the level of achievement of TK / SD, junior high and high school, and some students to give flowers to the teachers. In this opportunity, a new ceremony that took place some time there was rain, so that the implementation of the delivery of the awards, held in the Gedung Kaca Pemkab.
"In the context of accelerating qualification of teachers, is currently designed academic policy that allows recognition of the learning results obtained by previous teachers. Teachers who are implementing the education level will be reduced S1/D-IV credit course load, in part because of SKS must be obtained through the experience of independent study, academic achievement, innovative works, education and training obtained before, "he said.
According to the Minister of National Education, in improving and developing the competence of teachers, is currently also being designed in the pattern of professional development for teachers across the country. With this pattern, expected performance and competence of teachers continue to increase in line with the increased levels of functional and work experience.
"Since the government is aware that it is not easy to get a professional teacher, carelessness in the process of recruitment, prajabatan, placement, training in the department and the supervision of teacher performance is a cycle that needs to be seriously in a sustainable," implore the Minister of National Education.
In the context of this organization is very professional teachers can be expected dedication to become a partner of the government in order to jointly improve the professional ability of teachers and teachers' welfare improvement for the realization of quality education. Associations or professional organizations of teachers expected more able to motivate, facilitate and provide advocacy to its members to become more professional.

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HUT 37 KORPRI, Wabup: Civil servants should be sensitive to Development.

HUT 37 KORPRI, Wabup: Civil servants should be sensitive to Development.

Vice Regent Kulonprogo, Drs.H.Mulyono said in the era of reform, the government apparatus is often a highlight of the various parties, therefore, if KORPRI can not putting well it may be a counter-productive. Should also sensitive and concerned about the developments that occur each in the midst of the community and behave ready to accept criticism and suggestions from the community to build and maintain the harmonization of social good. Therefore, should understand the proper duties and responsibilities as members KORPRI as well as a public servant, servant country and the state apparatus.
It said the Vice Regent in the ceremony HUT to-37 level KORPRI Kulon Progo Government in the field Kulon Progo Tuesday (2 / 12). The simple ceremony was held followed by the head of the regional work units (SKPD), with the participants of the Civil Service (PNS) that all wear blue uniforms KORPRI figured batik. "In the face of the dynamics of life and the state now, I hope that KORPRI able to motivate members to continuously improve their knowledge and skills pengetahunan to compensate profesionalitasnya demands," said Vice Regent.
Added travel time during the thirty-seven years, for an organization is not short. And since established on 29 November 1971 until now, KORPRI has proved to collecting community, nation and country. Various social events and political changes, has been coloring KORPRI trip, but the organization was able to survive and remain strong until now, and hopefully therefore also the future.
Vice Regent hope that the members KORPRI of the government apparatus, should be role models for the community and able to show optimal performance in implementing the day-to-day tasks, especially in providing service to the community. Show the positive image that the state apparatus currently in providing better public services.
Meanwhile, in recognition of democratic party upcoming elections in 2009, Civil Service, remain neutral so that should not have a political afilasi against certain political parties, should not be discriminatory in providing services to the community, but to establish the successful election. KORPRI; with the spirit and a new paradigm, the organization must become independent, that the professionalism, free from the influence of various interests and private groups, classes and free from political pull interesting.KORPRI neutrality in the election is a mandate that must position.

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