Tile Kulon Progo

80% Supply Tile Kulon Progo from Outer Regional

To meet the needs of building materials such as tile in Kulon Progo, almost 80 percent came from outside the region. In fact, many of the tile industry Kulon Progo, and have a quality that is not quite good with the tile that come from outside the region. So the existence of this industry, must continue and be encouraged. So that the tile of Kulon Progo be increasingly recognized and used by the public and Kulon Progo from outside the region.

Said by Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo Thursday (5 / 2), while providing tools to help Group Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the pages of Industry, Wates. In the present opportunity, Head of Industry Drs. Darto, Head BAPPEDA Budi Wibowo, SH, Sosnakertrans Drs.Musodo Head of Department, Head of Agriculture and Forestry Ir. Agus Basuki Langgeng actors and SME beneficiaries.

This is related to the development of housing and real estate in the Kulon Progo is developing very rapidly in every year. However, most tile still needs supplied from outside the region. "Because most of us are reluctant to use a tile of Kulon Progo and even bring in from outside the region such as, Kebumen, Jatiwangi (Cirebon), Klaten and Gedean," said Regent.

Therefore, developing and maintaining the tile industry that we have actually very good. So in the Kulon Progo can optimize the potential and resources owned. For the tile industry, this can spur the production of tile, and they can be in every day. Not only based on if there are people who book a course, he added.

On the other hand, small industries should also be clever to see the fissure and the development of the market. Because if left too will reduce the peminat and buyers will use the results of handicrafts. As for example, the model for handicrafts, food industry for packing small and the quality of the production. "I never buy a bag of resletingnya up to the house but directly damaged. Although the price is cheap but I as a consumer to be cured, "Toyo row.

In this opportunity, submit a Major of assistance to SMEs working equipment such as, coconut fiber machine breaker, Giling coffee machine, machine ekstruder (fine ground), tile press, grated coconut machine, drill, saw, grinder and more. With a nominal amount of Rp 128 million. Given to industries such as coconut fiber industry craft, shell craft, industry and crafts tile coffee. Meanwhile, according to one of the craftsman tile beneficiaries Parijan, said that the good of this assistance. Because this group is given a name in Tlogolelo Tlogo Makmur, Hargomulyo, Kokap, it still requires a great machine and press pelumat land tile.

It is expected that with the provision of assistance will spur the production of the tile for the group. So that to the fore, the production of tile Tlogo Group Makmur can and can better maintain the quality. "For the good quality of tile industry that we have just kept growing and by the people," he said.

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