District of Kulonprogo Jati plant will develop a pattern for the Superior Results. One of the steps that have to do is in cooperation with Business Unit Results for Cooperative Housing Wanabhakti Nusantara (UBH-KPWN). Nota MoU signing or understanding between the Government of Kulon Progo district with UBH-KPWN conducted Saturday (14 / 2) in II Floor Binangun government district. From the government district Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo while UBH-by KPWN Director Ir.Hariyono Soeroso MS.
In opportunity at the same time the Government made cooperation with the districts that do APIKRI pandan cultivation in the coastal south of materials to help braid agel. The event was witnessed Assistant Economic Development and Natural Resources Setda Ir.Agus Anggono, Kadinas Agriculture and Forestry Ir.Agus Langgeng Basuki Head Office and the Environment Ir.Djunianto Marsudi Utomo.
According Hariyono Soeroso, with this MoU has benn approve then in 2009 and beyond, planned Kabupaten Kulon Progo developed farming Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) with the pattern of results as much as 100,000 trees, or area of 100 ha each year, which are spread in many villages, with perdesa number of 25,000 trees in 5 years. In five years, will be planted some 500,000 trees with an area 500 ha of land, which are spread in 20 villages.
"If every village to plant a minimum of 5000 trees per year for 5 years, the year I start harvesting until V, Kas Desa each village will get the harvest of 250 million. Farmer processing and owners of land in the village concerned will get the results harvest 875 million per year, "said Hariyono.
In addition, the village is still an additional form of security of wage costs 2500 per tree per five years, and also to reward farmers processing 14,000 per tree per five years is paid gradually in accordance with the progress of work. Therefore, the pattern of farming JUN Sharing will encourage rural economic growth and improve the quality of the environment.
While nationally the number of JUN with the pattern for the early start of 2007 until December 2008 as many as 438,270 trees involving 1676 families of farmers in East Java district includes Magetan 195,805 trees, 8,070 trees Madiun, Ponorogo 39,359 trees, 40,755 trees and Ngawi, in West Java Bogor 48,129 trees, tree Tanggerang 2302, Purwakarta and 100,000 trees in the DIY Kulonprogo 3850 a number of trees. The number of investors reached 443 people with the amount of investment for the 232,487 trees worth Rp.13.949.220.000, -.
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