Bupati ke Ceko Mantapkan Rencana Pembangunan

Untuk memantabkan rencana pembangunan bandar udara di Kulon Progo, Bupati Toyo Santoso Dipo berkunjung ke Republik Ceko pada hari Senin tanggal 24 November 2008. Kunjungan tersebut akan menegaskan kembali rencana pembangunan bandara yang dalam waktu dekat memasuki fase studi kelayakan.Menanggapi rencana pembangunan bandara di Kulon Progo itu, Kepala Badan Perencanaan Daerah (Bappeda) DI Yogyakarta Setyo Hardjowisastri mengemukakan, secara teknis, tidak dimungkinkan kehadiran dua bandara sekaligus di DIY.

"Ruang udaranya sudah tidak ada. Bandara Adisutjipto harus dimatikan jika ingin membangun bandara baru," kata Setyono, Senin (17/11).

Karena itu, hingga kini, lokasi cadangan bandra di Kulon Progo tidak masuk dalam susunan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) DIY. "Domain izin pembangunan bandara ada di Departemen Perhubungan, bukan di pemerintah provinsi. RTRW bisa diubah jika pemerintah pusat memberi izin pembangunan bandara baru," ujar Setyono.

Tidak masuknya lokasi bandara dalam RTRW, menurut Kepala Bappeda Kulon Progo Budi Wibowo, menjadi satu-satunya hambatan. Padahal, untuk RTRW Kulon Progo, lokasi bandara sudah dicantumkan dan tinggal disahkan ke dalam peraturan daerah oleh DPRD.

"Pemerintah daerah dan konsultan berupaya mengusulkan rencana lokasi bandara agar masuk RTRW DIY, tapi selalu gagal. Meskipun demikian, kami tetap optimis usulan itu diterima mengingat saat ini RTRW sedang diubah sehingga kesempatan itu masih terbuka," ujar Budi.
Jika pada akhirnya usulan tersebut tidak juga diterima, Budi mengaku tidak akan kecewa. Bandara akan tetap tercantum dalam RTRW Kulon Progo dan akan tetap menjadi acuan pembangunan dalam kerangka otonomi wilayah.

Budi menambahkan, Bupati Toyo akan berada di Republik Ceko selama 5 hari dari mulai tanggal 24-28 November. Dalam kunjungan tersebut Bupati Toyo bertemu dengan Duta Besar Indonesia dan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Ceko. "Saat pertemuan itulah, penegasan rencana pembangunan bandra di Kulon Progo sehingga dapat segera diperoleh kepastian kapan proses pembangunan itu dapat berlanjut," kata Budi

Sejauh ini, bandara yang rencananya berlokasi di Kecamatan Temon tersebut sudah menyelesaikan fase pra-studi kelayakan. Studi kelayakan sendiri, lanjut Budi, akan berlangsung selama tiga tahun dan mencakup sejumlah aspek penilaian dan pengukur.

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There was a scarcity of fertilizers in All Provinces

There was a scarcity of fertilizers in All Provinces
Scarcity of fertilizer subsidies, not only in areas that have extensive agricultural land. However occurred in all provinces in Indonesia. specially when the fertilization of commodities that many farmers are cultivated, such as rice.
Said members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) from Yogyakarta Province, GKR Hemas, in the process of socialization and aspirations, on Wednesday (19/11) in the hall Agriculture and Marine Kulon Progo. The event was attended by management groups, farmers, fish farmers, fishermen and crafters, and was attended by the Regent H Toyo Santoso Dipo, head of Ir Dispertalaut Langgeng Agus Basuki, head Disperindagkoptam Drs H Darto, MM and the head office agencies.
DPD in the trial, added Hemas, the problem of scarcity of fertilizers appear very often. DPD members from each province many complained it, and leaders in various DPD also have the opportunity delivered to the Ministry of Trade.
"However, although the Ministry of Trade has been able to improve the fertilizer distribution system, in reality, the condition is still the same. There are still farmers here complained about the scarcity of fertilizer and the expensive price, including the Kulon Progo. Means that there are things that have not been wrong, "said the Raja Permaisuri of the Yogyakarta.
Added, the scarcity of fertilizer and the expensive price to be a very complex problem for farmers. Because the price of rice remains and there is a demand to increase production to pursue self capable of rice. "This means, fertilizer subsidies from the government can not be enjoyed by farmers in optimal," said Hemas.
A statement responding to the participants that there quota of fertilizers to Kulon Progo sold out of the country, GKR Hemas states, will learn it properly or not. If true, he said, individual perpetrators must be firmly followed. Because it clearly violates the rules, said Hemas.
Meanwhile, Toyo said, although currently receive subsidies for certain types of fertilizer, but the reality is even giving farmers subsidies to the larger community of non farmers. In meaning, the price of fertilizer subsidies that farmers receive the value is smaller than the difference between the price of rice in the world market.
"But I also do not agree when the price of rice released in accordance market price. Because it will be a heavy burden for non-rice farmers. May be able to buy the city but farmers in the mountainous area that can not grow rice will shoulder the burden. What is important is the price reasonable and fertilizer subsidies applied to the optimum possible, "said Toyo.
In submit occasion Toyo prize to groups (KT) winners intention rice se Kulon Progo the form of tractors, water pumps and handspraiyer. Each of the first champion KT Silayur (Temon), Subur Arum II, KT (Kalibawang), KT Rejomulyo III (Nanggulan) and IV KT Ngudi Kawruh (Lendah).
In addition, also be of assistance to the car means Dispertalaut Kulon Progo, motorcycle and fund the rehabilitation of forest and land for KT Makmur Rp. 14.6 million and Girirejo KT. Rp 141.4 million, and capital assistance Agroindustry Rural Development Rp. 10 million for KT Ngudi Makmur.

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Belajar Dari Pemilu AS (lanjutan...)

Antara pemilu di AS dengan di Indonesia memiliki beberapa kesamaan tetapi juga memiliki perbedaan yang cukup mendasar.....

Hal yang membedakan dan penting untuk menjadi pembelajaran bai pemilu di Indonesia adalah kedewasaan sikap berpolitik baik dari para kontestan maupun masyarakat di AS. Pada saat hasil perhitungan suara diumumkan yang menunjukkan kemenangan telak dai kubu Obama, segera McCain berpidato untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada kubu Obama sekaligus menyatakan di hadapan para pendukungnya untuk mendukung Obama dalam menjalankan kepimpinannya sebagai Presiden AS yang ke-44. Setelah itu, Obama juga segera mengucapkan pidato kemenangannya di hadapan publik AS.

Fenomena politik semacam itu yang membedakan Pemilu di Indonesia dan Pemilu di AS. Sekalipun dalam kongres, kubu Partai Republik pasti tetap berposisi sebagai oposisi dalam sistem checks and balances di AS, namun pernyataan "pengakuan kekalahan" dari McCain menunjukkan sikap seorang demokrat sejati. Demikian pula, masyarakat di AS juga dengan sikap dewasa bisa saling menerima kemenangan atau kekalahan dari kandidat yang mereka usung masing-masing.

Sangat penting bagi masyarakat maupun para elite politik di Indonesia untuk belajar dari peristiwa poltik pemilihan presiden antara Obama dan McCain. Hal itu tidak hanya untuk Pilpres nantinya, tetapi juga (terutama) untuk Pilkada maupun Pemilu legislatif. hampir setiap hari publik disuguhi aksi kekerasan konflik pasca Pilkada akibat ketidakpuasan (pendukung) calon yang (tidak mau) kalah dalam Pilkada. Fenomena tersebut mencoreng proses institusionalisasi demokrasi di Indonesia sebagai negara yang kini diharapkan dapat tumbuh menjadi negara demokrasi "terbesar" keempat di dunia.

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Learning from the USA Election

The public around the world, not with the exception of Indonesia, for the umpteenth consecutive time, the political heed the election dispute between the U.S. Barack "Barry" Obama's "children Menteng" faced with McCain, the U.S. Vietnam war veteran who is in the ability maintain the U.S. political scene. Unlike with the election-election in the country in other major European election in the U.S. always seize the public attention around the world.

Comparing the Presidential Elections in the U.S. and in Indonesia, there are some things the same but there are also important things that can be a lesson for Indonesia. The same practice is in fact black campaign was also conducted in the U.S., does not vary with in Indonesia and in many other democratic countries. Like a clinch strategy mitt in the world to break the concentration of opponents contend. Obama has had only proximity stronghold by the terrorist activities because of Obama in the past, the stronghold McCain beard fire only when the regime will be a continuation of George Bush.
to be continued......

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RB. Hendri Budianto,SH, MH Kejari Wates

RB. Hendri Budianto, SH, MH officially became Head of State (Kejari) Wates replace the old officials Erbagtyo Rohan, SH, MH. Substitution is marked with accept the position and separation between the two officials on Wednesday (12/11), in the Glass Building complex kabupaten government Kulon Progo. Feelings of separation that should be fulfilled in the mutually split kejari Wates was attended by Wakajati DIY Soemarno, Regent Kulon Progo H. Toyo Santoso Dipo, Wabup Drs. H. Mulyono, Chairman of the DPRD Kulon Progo Drs. Kasdiyono, Muspida, district government officials and executives of other invitations.

RB. Hendri Budianto, SH, MH is a native son of Yogyakarta, who previously served Kejari in Makale, Tanah Toraja, South Sulawesi replace Erbagtyo Rohan, SH, MH, which has served Kajari Wates for 1 year 8 months. Next, Erbagtyo Rohan will be appointed Assistant Intelejen Kajati in DIY.

According to Hendri Budianto, I feel proud and impressed able to return to the land of birth in Yogyakarta. Through insntansi place to work, Hendri pledged to work with as well as to promote Yogyakarta, especially Kulon Progo. "Here I will work together to participate in regional efforts to promote and enforce the law in the Progo Kulon," he said.

Meanwhile, Regent Kulon Progo to thank Kajari long Erbagtyo Rohan, SH, MH that have worked well with the efforts of law enforcement in Kulon Progo. Regent also refused to give a pardon for all that has done work for Kejari in Kulon Progo. "No need to give my apology because there is no need in the morning. During this Kejari has worked very well, "said Bupati.

Meanwhile, to replace the officials, the Regent welcomes and to welcome in Kulon Progo. Regent expects, Kejari can work with both the development and support the efforts of law enforcement in the region Kulon Progo. Due to this district we should be collaborating, further Bupati.

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DPRD Approve 3 Raperda Village

Plenary meeting of the Council of People's Representatives (DPRD), which held Kulon Progo Wednesday (12/11) successfully set a 3 Raperda Village Regulation Kulon Progo was delayed after some time. Third Raperda is, Raperda about the village, Raperda took over the status of a village Wates Neighborhood Raperda about the layout and organization structure and governance work (SOTK) villages. Plenary meeting, attended by 24 members of the legislative body of the 34 existing members, followed by Regent H. Kulon Progo Toyo Santoso Dipo, Wabup Drs. H. Mulyono, executive officials and the district administration led by the head of the local parliament Kulon Progo Drs. Kasdiyono.

To discuss the third Raperda, the local parliament formed 2 Special committee (Pansus), namely, Pansus V and Pansus VI. Pansus through VI Spokesperson Drs. Suharto emphasized that the Pansus accept the ruling Raperda. However, there are still some problems that must be taken seriously and need pencermatan. Among them is, the amount of the award should be given kabupaten government to the Village Head (Kades) and their instruments.

Pansus expect the determination of larger awards should always be the logic of decency, fairness and the ability of the financial district. "So the executive should be accepted as a serious, consult through institutions and other areas that may have first come across problems," he said.

Meanwhile Pansus V set SOTK villages covering, Head and the device consists of, the Secretariat, the government, the Economy and Development, Social Welfare Section, The Community Empowerment Group and the Department of Functional certain. SOTK From there, Pansus expect to be able to work optimally in their service to the community. In order to create an example Progo Kulon village in a dynamic and professional.

Meanwhile, in view of the faction as a say in the Fraksi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera spokesman with Moh. Ajrudin Akbar eksukutif would expect to find references to other related with the size of the award. Like, learning to areas that have been used to have more out of them, Tasikmalya.

FPKS also expect a series of awards to the ravine and instruments, the government district and groove can take the device into labor contract area. Until the remaining term of the current Kades ended.

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Meanwhile, most of these people we still do not enjoy access to health services or low quality of health services they received, measured with high maternal mortality, infant mortality, poor nutrition and the prevalence of malnutrition, which still threaten our society, especially for the poor and the almost poor.

It is said Health Minister RI, Dr.dr.Siti Fadilah Supari, Sp.JP (K), in a speech written to complain that the Vice Regent Kulonprogo, Drs.H.Mulyono ceremony at the Health Warning Day to-44 in 2008 in Kulonprogo district level Pemkab page, on Wednesday (12/11). Also present Chairman of the DPRD Kulonprogo Drs.H.Kasdiyono, Muspida, the provincial secretary, Asekda, the head of the regional work units (SKPD), the ceremony is participants from civil servants, and professional organizations in the health sector such as midwife, nurse and Boy Scout Saka Bhakti Husada. In this opportunity once submitted various prizes from the championship race as some Dentists Teladan champion I-III Drg.Martinus Sunarto health Girimulyo II, Drg Wira Utami Pratiwi health Sentolo II and Drg Diah Widi Astuti health Kokap I, Midwife Teladan I-III Suprihatin Dwi Rahayu, A.Md.Keb health Girimulyo I, Lucia Eko Murniati A.Md.Keb health Galur I, Aprensia Diana Dharmasanti health Kokap I, Sanitarian Teladan I-III Haryani, SKM health Panjatan, Budi Wiyoso , SKM health Wates, Agus priyanka, SKM health Temon I, Nutrisionis Teladan I-III, I Jawahir health, Sumarjono, S. gz health Kokap II, Navang Wahyu Santoso, S Gz.RD health Girimulyo II, the health risk I-III I Sentolo health, health Wates, health Nanggulan, Healthy Village I-III village of Janten Temon, Ngargosari Samigaluh Village, Village Tayuban Panjatan.

In this opportunity, after the ceremony Wabup and group activities Khitanan Bulk witness who followed 110 participants in the Glass Building. Agenda HKN Kulonprogo will end with Exercise and Healthy Bulk Road, Friday (21/11) future.

"We expect all the Indonesian people with conditions such wide geographic, consisting of land, ocean, mountains and valleys, with the availability of access to health services and extensive quality should also have the quality of the population, to be able to manage and utilize all the potential of this country maximum. Therefore, a critical role in the health sector to improve productivity and welfare mayarakat a nation, in addition to the role of the education sector and the economy, "he said.

Menkes emphasize again the importance of the role of health in development of human resources. Because the prosperity of a nation can be measured not only by physical development, but also the important human development. During four years of various health development efforts have been made. We have correct health and hospitals. Puskesmas as a means of basic health services, not only physically but also on the increase and have SDMnya system, so that the role and function can be as a leading health unit, where not only the efforts of Public Health (SMEs), which was held in steady, but the quality of Individual Health Efforts (UKP) also be improved.
Increased UKP directed to improving health facilities in remote areas so that they can provide maximum service and diligence. The role of SMEs in the more enhanced, especially in establishing various community-based efforts kasehatan the terwadahi Village in the form of standby.

"Now the number of standby Village has more than 50% of the existing village, and is expected in 2009 all villages in Indonesia has become a village mode. Similarly, strategic human resources and medical paramedical staff also continues to be administered through various programs, a lifting CPNS, PTT, regional cooperation, and scholarship continues to be broadened and wide corners of the water.

While the hospital as directed health facilities that are able to overcome health problems referral handling, quality, and safety of patient (Patient safety). Similarly Deconcentration Fund and the Task expert through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) health for the region, which increased each year to directly impact the community, "said Menkes


KB and Health Becomes Priority HKG-PKK

Unity Day Motion (HKG) PKK as a series of warnings from the National Health Day on 12 November 2008 at Kulon Progo activities focus on family planning services and community health. While these activities have been initiated since October-December 2008. Involving the various elements of good government, District PKK, PKK cadres to the village community as targets.

Said, Wiwik Ernawati as Chairman of the TP-PKK Kulon Progo events in the realization HKG-PKK, on Tuesday (11/11) in 2nd floor Binangun Building Complex Pemkab. The event was attended by Chairman of the DPRD Kulon Progo Drs. H. Kasdiyono, Assek II Ir. Agus Anggono, Camat se-Kulon Progo, TP-PKK members of District and other legislation.

Community is targeted directly from activities that include, pre-prosperous families and family members I. While not directly target is the manager and officer of health and family planning, posyandu, PKK cadres and village leaders. Meanwhile, the activities carried out in order to include the PKK-HKG, the realization HKG-PKK, KB health services, village UPGK evaluation, monitoring HKG-PKK and the closure will be implemented at the end of December 2008.

Meanwhile, Regent Kulon Progo, represented by Assek II Setda Ir. Agus Anggono welcomes the various activities that have been or will be implemented by the PKK in order to observe HKG-PKK in 2008. Because the PKK, which has cadres to the village level is the right vehicle in order to create awareness of public health.

To that end, is expected to continue to be active PKK activities in order to achieve productive and prosperous community-based health care. "Because public health is very important as one of the efforts to create prosperity," he said.

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Harvest In Bandeng Trisik Leave Farmers On Equipment

Harvest Bandeng cultivation by the group "Tani Maju 2" in Trisik Tegongan, Sunday (9 / 11) gala held by the many visitors who come either deliberately or just see the direct result of buying the crops. Location cultivation of a sea water that shaped swimming and never dry throughout the year is 100 meters in the east coast tourist attraction Trisik.

Harvest is done by the 39 member groups since the morning until noon with a way to herd the fish to edge through the net is created on the right side of the pond to the left near the low water next to be caught with nets, and then put in plastic barrels.

According to section Ngatimin marketing groups, the seeds of Bandeng that are in the month of May, with a capital self-help groups each of Rp.300.000, -. Seeds imported from Brebes and Jepara of maintenance is very easy because only rely on the marine biota, without need to add additional food.

"The only side from the previous paddy and rice fields in the garden, because it got the information from the media about the culture appeal, and then make an appeal to Grabouw stydy. Finally, we agree utilize sea water is, "said Ngatimin are busy recording the results after the harvest weighed, to serve buyers of visitors and traders.

According to him, in marketing there are no problems, many traders and visitors who buy mainly from the Congot later sent to Semarang. The price Rp.14.000, - per kilogram, which contains a 4-5 head. Results of Bandeng Trisik quality better than other regions, because sandy soil does not smell.

Despite success in the cultivation of marine (Bandeng) fish Milk, but the group still complain about the lack of facilities for the harvest. The only simple tools, harvest is not the maximum, many fish are still a lot of passes from the net, especially in locations that have the depth to 2.5 meters. To buy the perfect equipment and standards are expensive, groups have the capital.

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BNK Kulonprogo Organizing Road Health

District Narcotics Agency (BNK) will organize activities Kulonprogo Healthy Road. Activities that can be forced Kulon Progo Without Drugs will be held this Sunday (16/11) coming in at 07.00 Alun-Alun Wates. In the activities of the targeted 5,000 people attended, will be entertained Plat AB humor music from Jogjakarta. The event will begin with a joint anti-drug pledge by all elements of healthy youth road resumed with the Wates City route.

Chairman of BNK Kulonprogo Drs.H.Mulyono in a press conference at the office, sat (8 / 11) explains that phenomenon, a very grievous befall the young people we as the impact the influx of Western culture with all the advantages and disadvantage. With the soul of the supermarket want to know and want to try the youths easily affected, particularly in terms of behavior, lifestyle, such as the deplorable behavior of free sex, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. Have been many, many lives of our young people drift in vain due to drug abuse.

"Momentum Youth Oath Day commemoration, which recently passed our move to take advantage of that generation of young people is hope, the backbone changes, and fate in the hands of the young nation's stake in the future, it is necessary for the concern and all their components from shoulder to shoulder - menyelematkan young people from the dangers of alcohol abuse, drugs and psychotropic medicines other. BNK Kulonprogo incentive to continue to try to combat the drug circulation and preventive measures through outreach and dialogue about the dangers of abuse of alcohol and drugs in schools, junior and senior secondary schools and youth organizations through the coral and Taruna, "said Mulyono, which also Wabup Kulonprogo.

Activities with the contribution Rp.17.000, - each participant will receive a T-shirt facilities, Pop Mie, and Coupon Lottery. Gifts main form of Motorcyclists, TV, Handphone, Mountain Bike, Magic Jar and hundreds Doorprice. Registration at the Office of Public Relations Jl.Perwakilan No.2 Wates, Setda for People's Welfare Section, Office of Educational Unit 2 Terbah Wates, Nakertrans Office, the Office of Culture and Tourism, and Office 12 subdistricts.

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Amrozi And Wherefore Corpse Wrapped Shroud By Her Younger Sister

After receiving the news from Ali Fauzi, younger brother Amrozi, who is now still in Cilacap, Central Java, that was a wash and pack the corpse Amrozi and Ali Ghufron alias Mukhlas to the shroud, the family of the accused is eventually believed dead.

"Some minutes ago I hear, my sister (Ali Fauzi, red.) Participate wash our sister, Ali Gufron and Amrozi, officially we say 'inalillahi wainailaihi rajiun'," said M. Chozin, brothers Amrozi, in Havant, Sunday (9 / 11) early days.

Originally, Amrozi family in the village of Tenggulun, Subdistrict Solokuro, Havant, East Java, the news will not believe the execution of three death cases, the accused Bali bombings, 12 October 2002, Amrozi, Mukhlas, and Imam Samudra alias Abdul Azis, Sunday (9 / 11) night at around 00.00 WIB.

However, after receiving news of Ali Fauzi, family day. Tariyem, the mother of Amrozi, are busy preparing everything for the reception remains Amrozi and Ali Gufron.

Demand Amrozi and Muklas, as was his brother, Ali Fauzi, before the buried, all that remains praying in the mosque Baitul Mutaqien a distance of about 15 meters from the residence of Ny. Tariyem.

They also requested buried near the graves of his parents, the public cemetery in Nurhasyim local village.

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Execution of Amrozi and Friends Held 00.15 09 November 2008

Attorney General has issued a formal statement to the media concerning the certainty of execution of Amrozi cs. Implementation of the execution is carried out at 00.15 09 November 2008, which was held in Nusakambangan. 3 execution carried out by the gang shoot polda central java.

While this is 3 dead corpse of the accused have not been brought to the clinic for bathing because rain made the dense enough, that complicate the evacuation team.

But the family of the accused died not get a report that the execution has been carried out, given the communication signals around the Cilacap has been in the random.

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Basket Senior High School Tournament

Manager District Basketball Association All Indonesia (Pengkab Perbasi) Kulonprogo basketball tournament will be the senior secondary level in the Field Basketball Alun_Alun Wates, starting 14 - 23 November 2008. The tournament is the peak of the construction of basketball athletes at the senior secondary level will compete Kulonprogo Cup Perbasi Kulonprogo.

Secretary Pengkab Perbasi Kulonprogo, Quindarta Yudi Atmanta said senior high school basketball tournament will be followed by 17 teams from 10 schools, which consists of 10 teams and 7, son and daughter team. To 10, son of team that will follow this tournament is from SMAN 1 Wates, SMAN 2 Wates, SMAN 1 Pengasih, SMKN 2 Pengasih, SMAN 1 Temon, SMAN 1 Sentolo, SMAN 1 Kokap, SMK Bopkri Wates, SMK Ma’arif 1 Wates dan MAN 2 Wates. Meanwhile, the team came from the daughter SMAN 1 Wates, SMAN 2 Wates, SMKN 2 Pengasih, SMAN 1 Temon, SMAN 1 Sentolo, SMK Bopkri Wates dan MAN 2 Wates.

According to Yudi speech, using the system fall, this tournament will compete total prize millions of rupiah for the team's best player even Suporter. "This tournament will be an interesting spectacle for the people in Kulonprogo, especially for the young servant lovers of sports, especially basketball. Moreover, this tournament is packed not just sports but also presents wrapped with the entertainment side. "He said.

It is expected that the existence of this tournament will be motivated to become the trigger or the emergence of young talents in basketball athletes Binangun earth so that ultimately proved to be for sports achievement in Kulonprogo.

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Kulonprogo Not Opened Vacant On CPNSD

Kulonprogo regency government in 2008, the registration of candidates does not receive the Civil Service Area (CPNSD) to the public as done by the District Government / City Government. Although the actual policy of the Minister of State apparatuses (MenPan) approve charging around 396 formation CPNSD which include teachers, health workers, administrative staff and the Village Sekreatris become civil servants.

Head of State District Officer (BKD) Kulonprogo, Drs.Djulistyo said this year the Government of Kulon Progo district did not receive registration CPNSD, like now many people in question, about when the district government to open the vacant CPNSD general. Regent is to send a letter to the Minister of PAN that the contents will not realize the formation CPNSD approved by MenPan. This is because the savings are estimated to have deficit in the upcoming budget year 2009. So this year the district government only focus to resolve the employment and Honorary Secretary Village (Sekdes) to CPNSD only.

Charging CPNSD formation that has been approved by MenPan, if imposed by local governments, regional government will burden the budget. Since the approval of charging CPNSD not accompanied by the addition of the General Allocation Fund (DAU), and to hire during this PNSD from the center, the region will not be able to hire a new general CPNSD it.

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Wind Waterspout Lunge Yogyakarta

Wind waterspout attached to the rain run a number of areas in Yogyakarta, as found in the complex campus of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Friday (7 / 11).

This disaster resulted in damage to the roof of buildings and dozens of cars and motorcycles struck down fallen trees. Rain began around 3 hours afternoon, where the employees go home from the office. So little is not a motorcycle rider injured as a result of falling from a motorcycle because of rain and wind that dense.

Some trees give way to override the roof of the building. An acacia tree overwrite Post Office roof in the environment of UGM. Students in the building Gelanggang Road Kaliurang not only struck down a teak tree that collapse, but the ceiling is also affected by wind damage. An cars in front of the Post Office UGM also struck down the trees so that the broken glass.

The trees that fall also caused damage to the roof and some broken glass building. Other buildings damaged, among others, Wisma Kagama, Kopma UGM, the Office of Bank BNI 46, the Office of Bank Mandiri, Purna Budaya building, and building PSKK.

In addition, a number of big trees that fell also cover the roads. As a result of this, the traffic flow around the clogged UGM. Bunderan UGM, Jalan Kaliurang, and Jalan Cik Tiro stuck in the total amount of flow and traffic diverted.

According to some witnesses, blustery winds accompanying the heavy rain occurred on Friday (7 / 11) at around 14:45. When waterspout tan, dark cloud moving from south to north and back again to the south.

The traders are usually five feet below the tree trade was panic. Almost all the caravan traders collapsing due to strong winds. Some traders and those who take refuge in the middle of the trees were forced to flee to places such as a field in the middle of UGM Boulevard.

Remaining results from the waterspout can be seen from the cart-cart traders are on the edge of the road and a fraction plates. So far this has not reported any casualties.

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Learning From the Banana Tree

Banana tree is a plant that was created by God for the benefit of mankind. Banana trees grow in tropical regions such as Asia, Australia, Africa and the United States
The philosophy of banana trees used by PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara to drive human resources than can compete with other companies. The company is collaborating with Matsushita Panasonic products that are able to do is exported. This philosophy found by the founder of the PT. Gobel Dharma Nusantara, Thayeb Mohammad Gobel in 1954.
Banana tree is a tree that benefit all. Fruit banana-shaped curve and long yellow or red. Yellow flesh is soft and sweet taste when cooked and contain the vitamin. Leaves can be used to wrap food from Indonesia, for example, rice pecel, oilcake, botok, nogosari and so forth.
Banana sheath used for children’s toys, the gun toy and horse toy. The heart of banana tree can be made, vegetables and trees can be used to put a puppet in the puppet show or “wayang kulit”. Even a banana skin is also helpful, ie can be eaten goat.

This philosophy that employees at PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara make all products for the benefit of the community and the cooperation in the group.
PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara use management to make independent management system that is efficient, and listen to the customer. All that is in the surrounding customers, for example, the public, investors, suppliers, government, environment, superiors, subordinates and co-workers. Suppliers and distributors of the same standing and prosperous.
PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara try produce a useful product, according to the needs and have high quality with affordable prices and satisfactory services to achieve the welfare of the community. The advantage to investors, employees, business sustainability and taxes and for the welfare of the community.

”None of us who oppress each other” said the top management of PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara.

Before the banana trees produce fruit, when cut, it will grow again to produce fruit. After produce fruit, the banana trees are ready to die.
Gobel employee of PT Dharma Nusantara make a total dedication. Before produce works best, their abstinence to exit from the company. Ready to sacrifice for the achievement of company objectives to achieve happiness together. Employees think, that he worked in the factories of their own small, and run the business with full sincerity, and humility. Progress and development can only be realized through the joint efforts and cooperation from the employees of each company. Together in the spirit, content to perform tasks in the company with a high dedication, diligence and integrity. But before death, children have to grow at around a tree and was ready to replace the mainland.
Director of PT Gobel Dharma Nusantara has been a continued process of the descendants of the company to continue to remain a company that winning the competition. All employees are through the development of the individual as the nucleus and is the responsibility of private companies and to dedicate to the community as a holder of the relay rod predecessor.

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Flyover Will be Commenced in 2009

Kulonprogo will start to build the road options at safety (Flyover), which travel on the railway (KA) next year. The project is part of the development of the primary collector road towards the main road arteries. Kasie Planning and Control, as the Office of Commitment, Zahram AS, accompanied, head Sudin Bina Marga, the Office of Public Works, Saturday (1 / 11) says the road options at safety is absolutely necessary in order to avoid congestion caused by the two new channels that frequently occur in the crossing KA in Wates.

"This is the road connecting for the first phase of the North region," said Zahram, in Joglo, Office of the Regent after the presentation of planning (detailed engineering design) by the consultant, CV Mastu Ano Pamasa, which was attended by the Regent of Kulonprogo, Toyo Santoso Dipo. Road connecting the clear Zahram, started from the junction Ponds, to the North, across the road options at safety on the Teteg Hamlet, and then descend back to the road in the south ditch, to the station, 3 in Western hospitals, to cross Tunjungan 3. Meanwhile, meet the Law No.38 of 2004 on the Street, the road agencies with 7 meters wide, road right shoulder left each with a width of 1.5 meters, and left and right channels, each with a width of 1 meter.

Meanwhile, for the entire road artery connecting the northern region, still has 2 more phases of the DED will also not be made. So can connect with the Road Sentolo-Sermo. Regent, Zahram words, hope construction starts built next year, and in 2010 could have been used. Estimates for construction while, spend not less than Rp20 billion. "Part, is still awaiting the calculation WED (budget cost of the plan) is first," said Zahram.

Meanwhile, the relevant land that should be released, said to have been designed Zahram ideal for full cloning, but not to reduce the principal construction. He said that as far as this project is running smoothly. Meanwhile, the South region for the arteries, ie, from Tugu Potlot crossroads Toyang, the planning also have been completed, and construction also planned next year.

Heru Lesmana Syafei HARIAN JOGJA

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Start The Business of Education

Many complained that to open a business opportunity is not there. This is a classic complaint that can not be with us again. Indeed, to start a business we can do with a variety of ways, one with the education that we have. Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo start a business with education. They are students from Stanford University. Yahoo started from the back parking lots is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple. Jerry Yang describes the discovery that Yahoo is "an accident" when he and Filo tesisnya complete. Filo and that this launch Yahoo when they sit in the universities, before they complete studies. They start doing business with the listing several web sites that they like and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on a web portal called. At the time established in 1994, named Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they know that their sites visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and finally the words that are used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reach star status. Net income in quadruplicate fourth quarter of 57.6 million dollars, while revenue jump from 91 million dollars into 201 million dollars. Now, Yahoo is the best portal in 2002.

Kiichiro Toyoda is the son of the founder of the company Toyoda Spinning & Weaving Co., which moves in the field of automatic loom. After completing engineering studies, he decided to start a business with the company to change the car into production and change the company name from Toyoda become Toyota in the year 1936. Kiichiro Toyoda became President of the company's Toyota until 1950. The first car made the Model AA Model and the Crown. Overseas offices established in Taiwan is first and then Saudi Arabia. Company starters began to produce forklift trucks (vessel / trailer), which made the number one company in the world in this market. Trucks entering the United States market of 1958 and 1965 the UK market. But the Model Crown failed to enter the United States, because the car is designed for the Japanese market, are not designed for the roads free of the constraints in the United States. Finally, Toyota Corolla make in 1968 and achieve success so that they can shift Volkswagen as the number one imported car in the United States. Even penetrate the heart of the city United States by cooperating with General Motors to Toyota in the United States. Camry is a car with tersukses sales in the United States in 1997. Toyota is now reaching the business to other sectors, namely financial services, telecommunications, housing, machinery navy, recreational boats, the distribution of parts and flight services. Now Toyota is the number three car maker in the world after General Motors and Ford. Yoyota have to sell 5 million vehicles per year.

Pierre Omidyar started the business with a degree in computer science. He was interested in developing the technology for different products and consumers love the idea that he can take the concept with all the way through the delivery of products to consumers, and their reaction shows and changing them. Internet gives you a place to do it, because you can publish software quickly, you can get a reaction from your customers quickly and Andapun do know if the error quickly. He thinks, how the auction in Paris of participants do not go to Paris, but in their homes or offices in each. Finally Omidyar founded on the Internet auction company with the name eBay in 1995. Before Omidyar founded eBay with i establish eSharp, which provide experience as Entrepreneurs. eBay is a company that relies on trust. Imagine! People want to pay what dilelangkan with only see an image only. Without trust this company will not run. Net income more than three times reached 1.35 million dollars in the third quarter of 1999, with sales increased to 58.5 million dollars. The amount of that conduct registration on the site eBay increased from 5.6 million to be 7.7 million compared with the previous quarter and increased 1.3 million dollars in the same period the previous year. Penjulan value of the goods on the web site jump from 195 million dollars into 741 million dollars. eBay auction is the best company in the Internet in 2002, the magazine version of Yahoo.

About what makes you great. What separates you and I made history as Entrepreneurs "said Anita Roddick. With the history of his love of the environment eventually make the concept of "natural", to make herb-pure ingredients, do not test on animals and friendly to the environment and indigenous population, where the herb-derived ingredients. With almost no advertising at all but with the publicity that is very passive, The Body Shop has become one of the legends of the world.

Ir. Ciputra start a business with the education field of architecture and properties, because it of Architecture faculty alumni ITB 1960. Ciputra now as the President Director of PT Ciputra Development (CD) and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Realty (JR) and the CEO off the public's best 1997 version Sembada Swa magazine.

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CEO of Google Support Barack Obama

CEO of Google, Eric Scmidt plan will support Barack Obama this week and campaigning for the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

"I will do that personally," said Schmict to it in the newspaper interview, while adding that the Mountain View, the Internet search engine, which is out in California, "officially neutral" in the November 4 presidential election.

Wall Street Journal said Schmidt plans to join with the executives of other companies in the technology announced their support on Obama and will appear in one event in Florida Tuesday with the Democratic party candidates.

Schmidt is one of a number of important executives of Silicon Valley, which has served as a technology adviser to the Obama campaign. Craig Newmark, founder of a company advertisement for the very famous, also counsel that the Democratic candidate.

Republic party candidate John McCain received support from former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, Cisco CEO John Chambers and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina among a number of other executive leaders.

However, high-technology sector generally considers Obama better than the panda and the Wall Stret Journal said that since 31 August, Google employees have contributed 487,355 dollars to the Obama campaign and only 20,600 dollars in campaign panda.

The newspaper mentioned that the support of the Obama Schmidt arrived, although Google is involved in a number of regulatory issues with the U.S. Congress and the judiciary departments, including research carefully on the proposed advertising agreement between Google and Yahoo.

"I is maintained, the judiciary department will make decisions about issues that are free from political," Schmidt said in the newspapers, such as cited by AFP. "It is not fair for the judiciary to hint (which supports Obama) will make a difference."

Journal said that although Schmidt has said he is not interested in politics, there is speculation among technology executives and the media that he can fill the department head office technology, which Obama said he would form

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Signing Contract Work Pt Jogja Magasa Iron

On this day Tuesday, 4 November 2008 has made the signing Contract of Work between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and PT Jogja Iron Magasa to exploit mineral sand iron in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Province to develop the "Integrated Iron Making Industry."

The paper contract is the first time in Java and is the first investment since the economic crisis and of regional autonomy.

Script Contract of Work has received a recommendation from the Investment Coordinating Board, and has consulted with the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia.

The composition of ownership of shares of PT Jogja is Magasa Iron Mining Magasa PT Yogyakarta (Indonesia) 30% and Indo Mines Limited (Australia) as much as 70%.

Backup iron in the sand iron at 33.6 million tons with production Fe about 1 million tons per year. Backup iron from iron sand concentrate. This project will be mine mineral sand iron (iron sand) with a system of mine to be processed through a process of concentration and smelting to produce Pig iron (pig iron) with Fe content of> 94%.

The company will start mining activities in 2011 and began producing Pig iron in the year 2012. In Phase Construction, the company will absorb the local labor and as many as 5,000 people in the early stages of production will employ local labor as much as 3000.

Total investment of USD 1.1 billion, including the stock pile EUR 5 million, installation of rail (sliding Railway) EUR 6 million, generating electricity, 350 MW worth EUR 350 million and the port facilities and EUR 10 million mining investment of USD 600 million. It is expected that this project will contribute to the State Revenue from the tax approximately EUR 20 million / year, anymore free of USD 11.25 million / year, funding for local EUR 7 million / year operating and Expenditure EUR 55 million / year.

PT Jogja Magasa Iron in 10 years will be the first to contribute to the regional (district) of 1.5% of sales each for Regional Development and Community Development, and after 10 years increased to 2%.


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Number of seats Board Plus 5 Now 35 Seats Period 40 Seats

Number of seats members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) Kulonprogo district in the coming period will be five people so that the overall number of seats from 35 now to 40 seats.

Growing number of legislative seats in the new elections will be worst in the future is adjusted with the population growth in most western districts in the DIY. Additional five seats are divided evenly in the five electoral regions (dapil), which is in Kulonprogo.

First Dapil consists Samigaluh district, and Kalibawang Girimulyo, get the quota from the previous 8 seats 7 seats. Dapil II includes the district Nanggulan and Sentolo from 6 seats to be 7 seats. Dapil III, which consists district Kokap refused to compete and 8 seats of the previous 7 seats. Dapil IV, one of which is located in the capital area district includes the Wates district, Panjatan and Temon most seats with 10 of the previous 9 seats and in the last Dapil V, which consists district Galur Lendah and 7 seats available before 6 seats.

In accordance with the List of Candidates for Legislative Stay (DCT), which recently set, 40 seats are available in five dapil the worst 379 caleg, including caleg men totaling 251 people, and as many as 128 women caleg.

Marwanto Division of Socialization, Voter Education, Public Relations and Information Data KPUD Kulonprogo, on Tuesday (4 / 11) explains, based on the data entered in the KPUD most political parties are eligible pencalegan in general. Even the requirements caleg quota of 30 percent of women have been fulfilled to the district level, only the level dapil are not able to meet the percentage of women caleg.

At least 14 political party that is not eligible according to Article 55 of Law on Elections caleg women, the political party-political party that is the Hanura, Gerindra, PKS,PAN,PPD,PKB,PNB,PDK,Golkar,PPP,PB,PDIP,Demokrat and PKNU.

According to information obtained KPUD, political party-political party actually has been trying to meet the maximum quota caleg perempuandi level dapil, but the effort hit a number of issues, including family caleg women. Many women who have advanced as caleg intention, but did not get permission from members of his family, especially her husband.

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MANUNGGAL FAIR ENDED : Many traders leave Time Exhibition

Most private traders who participated in the exhibition Manunggal Fair in 2008 complained of the time is not right. Implementation of the set after the fasting month and widths and the approaching rainy season makes the goods they trade a lot of behavior that is not selling. The condition is not as experienced in the past years, where even the annual always held before the fasting month and weather conditions did not rain, goods behavior hard.

Although each day is always full of visitors, but they mostly just looking to see merchandise, and only a few who use it to buy. Conditions at the time that is the end of October, made the conditions of civil servants who have their pocket thin, become one of the factors transactions drastic decline.

This decline as traders spoke Budi origin Banjar traders clothing, since the opening of a new exhibition that the behavior of two communications and assessment. "Time of held after fasting, made the visitors have not enthusiastic to buy clothes, I usually before the fasting and they utilize this event to prepare widths, especially when rain season is, if next year can be held before the fasting though as in previous years", he said .

Budi complaint is not made up, along with other traders until the end of the exhibition, some of them are still trading accumulate nearly the same as last week began rolling out the trading time.

Instead of traders who sell agricultural seeds had hard behavior. Rain began to fall since the event was held, the motivation to become citizens to plant trees, especially fruit such as mangoes, rambutan, oranges, which every day is always taken home by some visitors, after the exhibition. However, only one of two traders who only see the institute of plant seeds.

Chairman of the organizers, Drs.R.Agus Santosa, MA, which confirmed the complaint admitted to private traders. Conditions time of fasting and after the rainy season makes the activity not as brisk years ago. "We realized that when traders complain, because this time of year is less fit, but because the event is checked and Kulonprogo It is precisely this fact in October, the number of entries like this for the future will be re-thought, but if the fasting month will go forward far from the forward-October as our benchmark, what will propel the Day So we will discuss the evaluation is finished after this activity, "said the head of the Office of Public Relations and former Camat Galur.

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The End Of Anniversary Kulonprogo,Performance Kethoprak Colossal

Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo Sunday night (2 / 11) in Alun-Alun Wates close all activities Day anniversary Kulon Progo that this year themed around the back 57 years to the district Kulon Progo our unity to the independence of stock-based resilience of the economy, culture closing the spirit and maritime activities performance stage kethoprak colossal "Adeging Kulonprogo Regency" by the artist with Kulonprogo director Bondan Nusantara.

In the Regent of the various prizes in the championship enliven It Kulonprogo including championship race Manunggal general Marathon champion son Ivan I Budi Aji from the Spirit Gunungkidul district, the second Wahono from this third Tego Sleman regency of Bantul, Competition exhibition stand Manunggal Fair 2008 with the category I-III champion Conservation Development Agency (BKP) Borobudur, hospitals and the Vredeburg Zaida, the private sector category BPD Bank branch DIY Yongin, PT.Jogja Magaza Mining and Prosperous Justice Party, SMK Marine school category, SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Wates and SMK Tamansiswa Nanggulan. Also present Drs.H.Mulyono Vice Regent, Chairman of the DPRD Kulonprogo, Drs.H.Kasdiyono. Drs.H.Soim provincial secretary, MM and the head of the regional work units (SKPD) in the scope of the district administration.

"To have this theme not only become an empty slogan but should merely be followed up with concrete so that the work ahead ideals Kulon Progo district as a forward, independent and prosperous can be realized immediately. In this case I optimistic ideals that can be achieved if we work hand to hand to work together for a better understanding of morality, work hard, work smart and improving the quality of our human resources, "Toyo fate.

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The average e-Government, Not-In updated for 103 days

E-Government in Indonesia began to be applied with the Inpres NO 3 / 2003. Inpres the existence of the local government has to make any corrections as race and provide a budget with E-Government. If in 2003 only 49.9% of local governments including provincial, district / city that has, can now be said to be almost all government, provincial, district / city to allocate funds to create the e-Government.

"However, from 456 districts / cities in Indonesia, only 66.9% or 305 District of e-Government, it can be accessed," said Wahid Fathul MSc as the Dean of the FTI UII. Meanwhile, 3.9% or 18 district / city still joined with the website of the province and 19.8%, or 88 districts and cities have not had a website. While the remaining 9.9% or 45 district / city e-Governmentnya can not be accessed with a variety of reasons.

Recognize the potential of a region through e-Government is a practical way in globalization. But if such a condition, whether the information can be obtained? Fathul Moreover, as mentioned, there are websites that can be accessed it does not provide insurance for people outside or we will get maximum information about an area. So that this factor is often difficult for investors is that explore the potential of a region through the website.

"However, current content / news is still a concern. For the average website is not updated for 103 days. In addition, most of the website is not's a major source of news, but otherwise seemed to load news that is published in the mass media, "said Dean of the Faculty of Technology Industries (FTI) the UII.

"If a civil servant is not required IT capability, which now need to be given refresher. Although Kendal other no less important infrastructure such as electricity is often dead, access to expensive and low divorce TI also must be faced by local government in Indonesia, "he said.

Research data reveal that information about tourism, which most often appears in the website. After it was information about local history, culture, physical and economic areas. "It's very rare we can find information about the process of public policy. This is not much different with financial information, "he added. In the future, the e-Government to promote efficiency and effectiveness of direct service must be a priority.

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Small-Medium (SME) from the Kutai Kartanegara East Kalimantan Province, to participate enliven the exhibition Manunggal Fair 2008. Through the momentum Akbar kabupaten government held once a year in Alun-wave Yongin, some regions largest oil producer in Indonesia to try to promote the potential of this region, especially the results to craft citizens Kulonprogo. Prayitno said SMEs as a companion to the arrival of a new first Kulonprogo including participation in the exhibition, in an effort to promote the results of the crafts community Kaltim, known to more people in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta. Previously he has to follow the same activities in large cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali. "While we take the merchandise but the main purpose of our coming here is not to seek profit, but to introduce to the public the results of SMEs in East Kalimantan to the community, so that the public will know the potential of our region," said Prayitno, who knows the exhibition from the website kabupaten government Kulonprogo. Prayitno entourage who arrived in Kulonprogo Monday night (27/10) all totaling four people and stay in one of the inn in the city of Yongin. In pamerannya this time, displaying the works typical of the craftsmen community Kutai Kartanegara, such as cloth, silk, batik shirt, shirt, typical Dayak stone necklace, bracelet, bag, skull cap and various stones. Although the need to bring the goods with a very expensive cost for using aircraft, but the goods ditawarakan still very reasonable. This is like Manik Necklace Dayak typical for large Rp.35 thousand while the small Rp.15.ribu, Silk cloth box Rp.250 thousand table and table cloth omg Rp300 thousand.


Assessing Community Making More Quick Deed

Public awareness of Kulonprogo to get the Deed of birth, especially very large. This is evident from the enthusiastic residents to get a diploma through the exhibition Manunggal Fair held in the plaza Wates. Each day during the ongoing exhibition visitors are always asking the location of the stand Civic place to make birth certificates. However, some residents fail to take the Deed because the Civic is under the Office of Dukcapilkabermas as the creator of the Deed not open service creation Deed birth stands at the exhibition. Heri Haryono and that duty every day at the exhibition space information is always being asked by some visitors who ask where the location of the stand for making birth certificates. "Every day here there are always coming to ask who stand to make Deed of Births, ya.saya.jawab not there, and I can give the information to come in the Civic Office Dukcapilkabermas, now in office also can be completed quickly," said Heri new only Wisto Widodo arrival of visitors with her sons and their wives Jumariah Irfan Kurnianto villagers Sukoreno Subdistrict Sentolo asking the location of the stand Deed Births service. Still high public interest to make birth certificates in the exhibition, because the images / views of the community to make the stand in the Deed exhibition finished more quickly than the practical need to come in the office of Civic. "As if to make Deed in the exhibition can be a day or two days finished, such as occurred in the past year while services involved in the exhibition Deed, if the office once a long time," said Wisto. There are some citizens who seek kecele Deed, the head of the Office of Residence Civic Family Planning and Community Empowerment (Dukcapilkabermas) Kulon Progo, Drs.Sarjana Thursday (30/10) said that the lack of service in making birth certificates Stand Manunggal Fair exhibition because more focus on service in the Office associated with success to reach the ISO 9001: 2000 public sector services and energy that should be limited when divided for the two places. So that citizens who ask for service in the Deed exhibition locations during working hours are welcome to come directly in the Civic, with the same service as at the time of service at the exhibition opening on years ago. However, the enthusiasm of the people, do not close the possibility in future years will be to re-open the service in the location of the exhibition. "Concerning the ISO 9001: 2000, to this year's exhibition does not participate, but we will be examined input from the community, in which important information is that the current service in the office when all the requirements can be completed as full time on managing people stand in the exhibition, "Said the former Camat Kalibawang the hobby sports field, tennis ..

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Bigger Chalk Sign MURI

Spend 150 kg and 50 kg Lime Gypsum

For the second time the achievement of the residents Kulonprogo recorded Record Museum of Indonesia (MURI), this form of chalk, the largest student artworks Vocational Secondary School Affairs (SMKN) 1 Panjatan. MURI has previously noted the works Kulonprogo Tumpeng the form of Sugar Java. Giving awards to be handed directly to the school Etty one of the staff MURI, the location of Lime Create Largest located in Stand SMKN 1 Panjatan Manunggal Fair exhibition in the plaza in Yongin, Thursday afternoon (30/10). Giving witnessed teachers, students and visitors. Write the lime that is able to record themselves in this MURI, 2.5 meter long, with a diameter of 36 centimeters and 27 centimeters diameter end. The process of the printing is done by five students for two hours, making the mixture by ten students for 25 minutes, the printing is done 15 students for 30 minutes. Of printed materials using zinc foil the size of 90 cm X 5 m, and nails bendrat Keeling, materials kapurtulis use 150 kg and 50 kg lime Gypsum, plus about 30 liters of water. Khomarudin, SPd, one of the teachers' guide explains chose chalk as the main material and the creation of lime Gypsum potential in Kulonprogo very much when used for making chalk that up to now still used as a media and learning facilities in schools. "SMKN 1 Panjatan as the only schools that have a vocational skills program study the chemical industry is expected to be able to develop chemical techniques to be used for community life," explained Khomarudin school teachers in the new stand is 16 months. With able to sign up in the MURI, other than hope he can be proud of the school could also boost the spirit of learning for students, motivated to create performances in the future and stimulate students' creativity to develop technological innovations.

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Ivan Budi Aji Gunungkidul Fastest Finish

Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo, Friday morning (31/10) release flee Manunggal XXII in order to enliven It Kulonprogo to-57 in the Field Ngeseng Sentolo. Running time this race was followed by the residents of Kulonprogo and DIY, such as Bantul, Sleman and Gunungkidul. In addition to the Regent dispatcher consecutive runner, Vice Regent Drs H. Mulyono, Chairman of the DPRD Kulonprogo Drs.H.Kasdiyono and Muspida. Sukiman, S. Pd in the report describes the participants that enliven Manunggal group of students from 115 elementary, son of 84 people and putrid special local Kulonprogo, junior followed 152 people and 46 people, son and daughter special local Kulonprogo. Senior high schools are common for the scope of DIY, son of 80 people and putrid 48 people. Beregu followed 9 squad. "Running 10 km route through the Field Ngeseng Sentolo junction Kenteng to the West-Milir-Margosari and Finish in front of the office of Culture and Tourism special students finish primary school only at the junction Kenteng that is 5 km," said Sukiman. Added, in addition to compete Trophy rotation Regent Kulonprogo, for the champion to get the money certificates and the construction of Rp.6 total, 5 million and Doo prize. Regent H. Kulonprogo Toyo Santoso Dipo in his speech before the participants fled the release of this activity is to recall the historical events that occurred 57 years ago, when the beribukota Kulonprogo districts in Sentolo and District Adikarto the beribukota in Yongin Manunggal into one with the name of the District Kulonprogo beribukota in Yongin. "Besides, to encourage the athletes and athletes runner Kulonprogo seeds for more academic and menumbuh develop interest of the community, especially the young generation on the track," he said. While the results for the three major competitions, Ivan Budi Aji from the Spirit Gunungkidul district achieved the fastest finish with a time 41.14 minutes, followed by second Wahono from this Sleman with 41.34 minutes record time and third Tego from Bantul by the time 44 , 26 minutes.


Mascot boat MANUNGGAL not known

Mascot Boat as the icon exhibition Manunggal Fair 2008 is not known by many visitors. Boat artworks Beda studio art style that is placed in the main entrance gate, not a lot of attention by visitors who meet every day around the arena plaza Wates. Although a large number of visitors to know the theme of the exhibition this time is the potential sea with the Mascot boat but they do not know Mascot is .. The existence of the stand-stand that displays Most boat as terpajang in the stand SMKN 1 Temon the bersebalahan the gate entrance and miniature boats in the Secretariat organizing committee, which according to them Mascot exhibition. This Paiman spoke as residents Salamrejo, Sentolo who visit the exhibition, to see the Mascot boat accidentally, but found only the boat that is the stand-stand exhibitions. "Mascot boat to the place where gold, thin beard my view, the only boats in the stands and the school committee in the Secretariat, in what the committee is yes," said Paiman the accidental drop in the Secretariat besiege committee after Alun-wave Zaida with his family, Friday (31/10). The same Ngatinem recognized that far-away came from Hargotirto, Kokap to witness the close of the exhibition, which displays the Mascot Boat. Since he is from home imagine there will be a big boat that is in the location of the exhibition. Not only Ngatinem imagine that the shape of a boat as Mascot, most certain that I have the same shadow. This shows that still remember clearly dibenak citizens Kulonprogo, such as exhibitions held in each of the previous years always show the works that exist in communities large, such as Java gunungan Sugar giant capable recorded in the Indonesian Record Museum during the exhibition, held back in 2001, then a succession of the next show Mascot, Vas flowers from Agel, Angklung, and Horse boys. Chief organizer Agus Santosa asked the responses Mascot admitted to understand when displayed in the exhibition this time is not known by many visitors. As the previous chairman does not have a picture of a boat into Mascot. And the creation of fully submitted to the Mascot section and the artists invited to cooperation. "We do not have the view that the shape of a boat must be like this, but we offer them the artists who know the art form and so able to attract visitors to establish the successful nautical theme in this exhibition," said Chief District Office of Public Relations Kulonprogo the former Camat Galur .

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Destroying Forest in the case of DIY Drops

Since the last 5 years, the number of cases of forest destruction in the countries in the region DIY continued to decline. In 2004 there were 178 cases, 2005 cases of 75, 2006 38 cases from 2007 and down again to 28 cases. It is estimated that in 2008 the number of cases will be smaller than last digit.It said the Head of Line (Kabid) Pemangkuan Regional Office of Forestry and Forest Plantation Yogyakarta Province, Ir Parwidi MSi, in the dissemination Security Forest in the hall official Hutbun Agriculture and Marine Kulon Progo, Thursday (30/10). In addition Parwidi, socialization, followed by management paguyuban timber traders and forest management group of people se Kulon Progo also show the source of information Kasi Build Business official Hutbun Kulon Progo Ir Trenggono Trimulyo, MT completed and the hope of Polda DIY.According to Parwidi, the decline those cases because the public is increasingly aware of the importance of forests and increased participation in forest management. Residents who live on the edge of the forest, he said, not only with the forest cutting timber, but with productive activities that are not harmful, such as bee keeping, he said.Added, the changes in attitude are very positive people in order to conserve the forests and in accordance with government expectations. "To handle the destruction of our forests are not only using the legal approach. However, more pendekaan social and economic development. The results seemed better, "add the light Parwidi saying that the country's vast forests in DIY currently 18,000 ha.Furthermore Parwidi states, to keep the government prioritize conservation of forest development and management system. For the current sarapa infrastructure and personnel in the instansinya very minimal."Currently we only have 1 car patrols and 227 field officers. Ideally the whole 18,000 ha of forest field officers need at least around 380 people, "he said.Meanwhile, Trenggono said, in the forest Kulon Progo most of the forest people with broad reach 25,400 ha. Meanwhile, state forest only 1,037 ha wide.From that area, he said, the potential production of 100,000 cubic timber annually. And the community is cut average new 40,000 cubic, with 33,000 cubic of them sold to other regions.With this condition, according to Trenggono, the number of trees in Kulon not Progo decreasing, but even increase. So that the quality of the environment, especially to prevent landslides and absorption and the provision of water resources, the better. "In the last few years since, drought and floods in the region Kulon Progo intensity continued to decline," he said.

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