KB and Health Becomes Priority HKG-PKK

Unity Day Motion (HKG) PKK as a series of warnings from the National Health Day on 12 November 2008 at Kulon Progo activities focus on family planning services and community health. While these activities have been initiated since October-December 2008. Involving the various elements of good government, District PKK, PKK cadres to the village community as targets.

Said, Wiwik Ernawati as Chairman of the TP-PKK Kulon Progo events in the realization HKG-PKK, on Tuesday (11/11) in 2nd floor Binangun Building Complex Pemkab. The event was attended by Chairman of the DPRD Kulon Progo Drs. H. Kasdiyono, Assek II Ir. Agus Anggono, Camat se-Kulon Progo, TP-PKK members of District and other legislation.

Community is targeted directly from activities that include, pre-prosperous families and family members I. While not directly target is the manager and officer of health and family planning, posyandu, PKK cadres and village leaders. Meanwhile, the activities carried out in order to include the PKK-HKG, the realization HKG-PKK, KB health services, village UPGK evaluation, monitoring HKG-PKK and the closure will be implemented at the end of December 2008.

Meanwhile, Regent Kulon Progo, represented by Assek II Setda Ir. Agus Anggono welcomes the various activities that have been or will be implemented by the PKK in order to observe HKG-PKK in 2008. Because the PKK, which has cadres to the village level is the right vehicle in order to create awareness of public health.

To that end, is expected to continue to be active PKK activities in order to achieve productive and prosperous community-based health care. "Because public health is very important as one of the efforts to create prosperity," he said.

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