The average e-Government, Not-In updated for 103 days

E-Government in Indonesia began to be applied with the Inpres NO 3 / 2003. Inpres the existence of the local government has to make any corrections as race and provide a budget with E-Government. If in 2003 only 49.9% of local governments including provincial, district / city that has, can now be said to be almost all government, provincial, district / city to allocate funds to create the e-Government.

"However, from 456 districts / cities in Indonesia, only 66.9% or 305 District of e-Government, it can be accessed," said Wahid Fathul MSc as the Dean of the FTI UII. Meanwhile, 3.9% or 18 district / city still joined with the website of the province and 19.8%, or 88 districts and cities have not had a website. While the remaining 9.9% or 45 district / city e-Governmentnya can not be accessed with a variety of reasons.

Recognize the potential of a region through e-Government is a practical way in globalization. But if such a condition, whether the information can be obtained? Fathul Moreover, as mentioned, there are websites that can be accessed it does not provide insurance for people outside or we will get maximum information about an area. So that this factor is often difficult for investors is that explore the potential of a region through the website.

"However, current content / news is still a concern. For the average website is not updated for 103 days. In addition, most of the website is not's a major source of news, but otherwise seemed to load news that is published in the mass media, "said Dean of the Faculty of Technology Industries (FTI) the UII.

"If a civil servant is not required IT capability, which now need to be given refresher. Although Kendal other no less important infrastructure such as electricity is often dead, access to expensive and low divorce TI also must be faced by local government in Indonesia, "he said.

Research data reveal that information about tourism, which most often appears in the website. After it was information about local history, culture, physical and economic areas. "It's very rare we can find information about the process of public policy. This is not much different with financial information, "he added. In the future, the e-Government to promote efficiency and effectiveness of direct service must be a priority.

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