Meanwhile, most of these people we still do not enjoy access to health services or low quality of health services they received, measured with high maternal mortality, infant mortality, poor nutrition and the prevalence of malnutrition, which still threaten our society, especially for the poor and the almost poor.

It is said Health Minister RI, Dr.dr.Siti Fadilah Supari, Sp.JP (K), in a speech written to complain that the Vice Regent Kulonprogo, Drs.H.Mulyono ceremony at the Health Warning Day to-44 in 2008 in Kulonprogo district level Pemkab page, on Wednesday (12/11). Also present Chairman of the DPRD Kulonprogo Drs.H.Kasdiyono, Muspida, the provincial secretary, Asekda, the head of the regional work units (SKPD), the ceremony is participants from civil servants, and professional organizations in the health sector such as midwife, nurse and Boy Scout Saka Bhakti Husada. In this opportunity once submitted various prizes from the championship race as some Dentists Teladan champion I-III Drg.Martinus Sunarto health Girimulyo II, Drg Wira Utami Pratiwi health Sentolo II and Drg Diah Widi Astuti health Kokap I, Midwife Teladan I-III Suprihatin Dwi Rahayu, A.Md.Keb health Girimulyo I, Lucia Eko Murniati A.Md.Keb health Galur I, Aprensia Diana Dharmasanti health Kokap I, Sanitarian Teladan I-III Haryani, SKM health Panjatan, Budi Wiyoso , SKM health Wates, Agus priyanka, SKM health Temon I, Nutrisionis Teladan I-III, I Jawahir health, Sumarjono, S. gz health Kokap II, Navang Wahyu Santoso, S Gz.RD health Girimulyo II, the health risk I-III I Sentolo health, health Wates, health Nanggulan, Healthy Village I-III village of Janten Temon, Ngargosari Samigaluh Village, Village Tayuban Panjatan.

In this opportunity, after the ceremony Wabup and group activities Khitanan Bulk witness who followed 110 participants in the Glass Building. Agenda HKN Kulonprogo will end with Exercise and Healthy Bulk Road, Friday (21/11) future.

"We expect all the Indonesian people with conditions such wide geographic, consisting of land, ocean, mountains and valleys, with the availability of access to health services and extensive quality should also have the quality of the population, to be able to manage and utilize all the potential of this country maximum. Therefore, a critical role in the health sector to improve productivity and welfare mayarakat a nation, in addition to the role of the education sector and the economy, "he said.

Menkes emphasize again the importance of the role of health in development of human resources. Because the prosperity of a nation can be measured not only by physical development, but also the important human development. During four years of various health development efforts have been made. We have correct health and hospitals. Puskesmas as a means of basic health services, not only physically but also on the increase and have SDMnya system, so that the role and function can be as a leading health unit, where not only the efforts of Public Health (SMEs), which was held in steady, but the quality of Individual Health Efforts (UKP) also be improved.
Increased UKP directed to improving health facilities in remote areas so that they can provide maximum service and diligence. The role of SMEs in the more enhanced, especially in establishing various community-based efforts kasehatan the terwadahi Village in the form of standby.

"Now the number of standby Village has more than 50% of the existing village, and is expected in 2009 all villages in Indonesia has become a village mode. Similarly, strategic human resources and medical paramedical staff also continues to be administered through various programs, a lifting CPNS, PTT, regional cooperation, and scholarship continues to be broadened and wide corners of the water.

While the hospital as directed health facilities that are able to overcome health problems referral handling, quality, and safety of patient (Patient safety). Similarly Deconcentration Fund and the Task expert through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) health for the region, which increased each year to directly impact the community, "said Menkes

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