Wind Waterspout Lunge Yogyakarta

Wind waterspout attached to the rain run a number of areas in Yogyakarta, as found in the complex campus of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Friday (7 / 11).

This disaster resulted in damage to the roof of buildings and dozens of cars and motorcycles struck down fallen trees. Rain began around 3 hours afternoon, where the employees go home from the office. So little is not a motorcycle rider injured as a result of falling from a motorcycle because of rain and wind that dense.

Some trees give way to override the roof of the building. An acacia tree overwrite Post Office roof in the environment of UGM. Students in the building Gelanggang Road Kaliurang not only struck down a teak tree that collapse, but the ceiling is also affected by wind damage. An cars in front of the Post Office UGM also struck down the trees so that the broken glass.

The trees that fall also caused damage to the roof and some broken glass building. Other buildings damaged, among others, Wisma Kagama, Kopma UGM, the Office of Bank BNI 46, the Office of Bank Mandiri, Purna Budaya building, and building PSKK.

In addition, a number of big trees that fell also cover the roads. As a result of this, the traffic flow around the clogged UGM. Bunderan UGM, Jalan Kaliurang, and Jalan Cik Tiro stuck in the total amount of flow and traffic diverted.

According to some witnesses, blustery winds accompanying the heavy rain occurred on Friday (7 / 11) at around 14:45. When waterspout tan, dark cloud moving from south to north and back again to the south.

The traders are usually five feet below the tree trade was panic. Almost all the caravan traders collapsing due to strong winds. Some traders and those who take refuge in the middle of the trees were forced to flee to places such as a field in the middle of UGM Boulevard.

Remaining results from the waterspout can be seen from the cart-cart traders are on the edge of the road and a fraction plates. So far this has not reported any casualties.

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